I'm thinking about switching Orion and Laika to grain free food. Orion loves his Purina One but recently started having HORRIBLE gas, especially when he sleeps. Bad gas I can live with, but Laika recently started to be insanely itchy. She has raw patches under her arm pits from where she's scratching and she practically can't function. She can't walk from point A to point B without stopping multiple times to scratch. I've washed her with anti-itch shampoo and conditioner, it even had hydrocortisone in it, and the scratching stopped for about 30 minutes then started up again. She's very uncomfortable and I've heard a lot about food allergies causing this. She also has had soft poop since I got her. Their food has corn in it so I'm wondering if that could be the culprit so I thought about switching to grain-free foods. A lot of grain free foods are for adult dogs but Canidae and Taste of the Wild are for all life stages. Is this too high protein for my pups? Has anyone else used these foods and if so, how did your corgis do on it? Anyone's dogs have a grain allergy? 

And what about AvoDerm? It doesn't have corn it it but it does have rice bran and oat bran. And I've heard avocados can be toxic. I've also heard good things about the Blue Buffalo puppy food, it doesn't have corn in it, its grain source is whole ground brown rice, whole ground barley, and oatmeal.

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I can get taste of the Wild and Canidae in 20 miles...so those are really my only 2 options as I go through 2-3 44# bags a month.
Murray has soft poop on every food I've tried except Science Diet Light which I would love to get him off. It is the highest fiber food I have been able to find and I think that is why it works for him. He has even had his digestive tract x-rayed and they found nothing wrong. I have tried so many kinds of food that I have lost track. I have not tried raw. I live in an apartment that is essentially one very big room and have visions of him dragging raw chicken wings onto my rug. I just don't want to go there. Pretty sure I have tried Orijen, Evo, Natures Choice with many kinds of meat. I kept him on them til I went through a small bag. Have also tried feeding yogurt. Any ideas?
Hi Judith, have you tried adding pumpkin to each meal. Monty had issues as a pup and pumpkin keeps things normal. It is really high in fiber. We also figured out he can't have anything with chicken so make sure you rule out other contributors than just the brand of food.
I'm not super concern about the softer stool, it's not really bad, but a little softer than I'd like it to be and i've heard corn can cause that. Ive already been putting olive oil in their food because Orion used to be itchy untill I started the olive oil. The main concern is the itching because Laika can't even sleep at night. She wakes up every few minutes to scratch. I bought Taste of the Wild and we're going to try a food trial with her and see what happens. In generally it's way better food than the purina one I feel like, so it may be better for them anyways.
We had to switch Murphy to a grain free diet and we've been feeding him taste of the wild and he really loves it. He's got a grain allergy also. We wanted to make sure that all grain was completely out of his diet including oatmeal and rice. His skin has cleared up from being really warm and pink to being a nice healthy, cool flesh color. I would just avoid any food that has any grain to make sure that the allergy gets cleared up. Good luck and keep us updated with how she adjusts.
Our pups had the exact same set of problems. (One gas, one itchy) we switched to Taste of the Wild. No problems. Our vet said to pick something with low grain and that the store sold a lot of. Our local store sells moreTOTW than anything else. We recommend TOTW as well, and good luck!
How long before you saw a difference with the itching?
Both our guys had bad gas and they both had developed hot spots. We found changing their diet did wonders. We have never tried Taste of the Wild; however we have only heard good things about it. We try not to give it to our guys because some of formulas are higher in protein than we want to feed our guys. We did a lot of research when changing their diets, including talking to vet's, nutritionist, dog food boutiques and our own research.

Our vet said to always look for AAFCO on any dog food that we look at. Fish also tends to be lowest on the allergy level when it comes to meats; I think the second lowest is Chicken. We found that most food allergies come from corn and beef.

We feed both our guys FROMM Whitefish & Potato and we have had great results from it. Unfortunately, I think FROMM’s only grain free flavor is Surf &Turf. I believe Taste of the Wild's Pacific Stream Canine Formula is similar to FROMM's Whitefish.

With better food you can feed them a lesser amount such as a recommended feeding for an adult is 1 1/2 - 2 cups daily. After changing their diets it made their gas go away completey, they have less hotspots, and shinner coats. The also don't have runny poos and only go once a day, which means less to pick up outside.
I have to second this comment on the issue of needing less to eat/less poo. In addition to solving the problem of gas for Luna, and helping Hermione's itchiness, they ate MUCH less of the food, and pooped less (which is always nice).
We do use the Pacific Stream with them.
I've tried the pumpkin and it doesn't work. I've tried foods with various types of protein including fish, chicken, beef, venison. I feed him a variety of vegetables with his food and he likes them all. His poops are vary mushy unless I feed him the Science Diet Light. He likes it and is trim and healthy, but I still would like to get him off it. He does shed a lot more than my previous Corgi, but Zac did not shed all that much.
They do make a vegan diet food, and they get their protien from soy. The vet said soy is fine unless a male dog is still intact.

We also found switching their diet to frequently or trying different foods actually creats food allergies.

On the fish comment below, I agree the food does smell very fishy.
Orijen FTW when it comes to kibble. I had Kari on Taste of the Wild and she loved it but sometimes it would give her gas so I switched her over to Orijen and its been great since.
Heres where to find it

btw- I'd go with the Regional Red over the fish one because the fish smells well, like fish


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