Orion and Laika are completely enamored by children anywhere we go. If Orion sees a child in Petsmart he has to run up to them, put his ears back, have a huge grin, and wiggle his butt and looks absolutely adorable. Laika is starting to do this now too when she sees kids. We went to Home Depot today and Orion and Laika were riding in the cart and we ran into a family with at least 5 children and they asked if they could pet the dogs. Orion and Laika were too excited for words! They were insanely happy to see the kids and ignored the adults. Also when I go to the dog park Orion and Laika happily greet the owners before greeting their dogs. 

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What a cute pic! My dogs prefer humans especially kids everytime!!!!
Alwyn is the same way! It's as if corgis and kids are magnets. He absolutely melts whenever kids are around.
What a cute picture! Did you take the little ones into the store or was that just outside in the garden center?
Bucher loved kids when he was little. Then he had a little girl pull on his ears and now at 8 he doesn't mind them but doen't like them by his face!! I don't know if that was the cause of the change or just his getting older.
We took them into the store, the Home Depots here are very dog friendly :) and when we drove through Sonic to get limeades they offers them dog treats when they brought out our drinks. I'm sure in stores like that there are people who don't want dogs approaching them to say hi so I'll keep them in the cart and if people want to pet them they'll ask me. That way I don't have to deal with grumpy dog-haters
Ginny LOOOOVES kids. If there's a child at the dog park, she is much more interested in playing with them than the other dogs, and once she picks "her kid" she takes it upon herself to guard it from the other dogs. She's happy as a clam to just sit with them and let them pet her, and maybe even steal a kiss. The only problem is when there's really little kids tottering around, she sometimes gets overly rambunctious and jumps on them, knocks them down, licking all over their face until they cry... I have tried repeatedly to curb this behavior, but I am always surprised when people let their toddlers wander around the dog park unattended and then get offended if their child gets knocked over by one of the dogs.
AWESOME picture :) Ours love kids. We think Mickey may have lived with kids before coming to us because for the first few months after we got him he lost it when he saw kids!! SO excited. Walter loves kids too but from far away will bark at them :( But once he gets to them he is in heaven, very gentle and wiggly. They both had their first encounter with a baby (3 months old) and they were amazing. Mickey gave her feet a kiss then ignored and Walter was very very very very very interested and wanted to stare at her the whole time. and kiss her..... It was a little annoying but then he relaxed and sat beside her and even put his head on her legs. I was very happy they were so calm and sweet with babies. I was always a little hesitant before but this really made me relax...
Orion and Laika haven't seen any babies yet but I'm hoping they'll love babies as much as children because my brother and his wife are having their first kid in september :) What shocking about Laika's love of children is that at her previous home (that she was only at for a week between the ages of 8 and 9 weeks) she was with five kids under eight years old and apparently bit one of them and the father said he'd kill her if they didn't get rid of her, so that's why I have her. Seeing her love of children makes be very skeptical that she bit one of those kids without being extremely provoked like being sat on or having her ears yanked on or something
Søren LOVES kids, too. He goes straight for them, ears laid back, nub wiggling so fast it's a blur. The only problem is that sometimes he's so intense that he scares little kids. He's very gentle with them, though, once they actually start interacting with him.

Søren's breeder has little kids, and they played a lot with the puppies. I wonder if that's why he loves them so much.
Yes I see many corgis who like kids, even grumpy old corgis turn into cute-ears-back-wiggly for kids. Eddy knows that little kids usually means food's going to be dropped on the ground at some point...
Keke especially love kids that she can put her paws on their shoulder and LICK them on the mouth, lol.
Moose likes to sniff kids but he hasn't been around any other kids other than Brian's little brother, and he's deathly afraid of him.
Murphy loves kids. Anytime he sees them, he goes nuts. He puts his ears back also and wiggles his entire body. He gets so excited. My friend brought her son over (who is about 22 months) and they were visiting. Murphy wanted to lick his face off and he climbed all over my friend to get to him because her son was sitting on her lap. I'm so glad he loves kids as much as he does because we are going to start trying to get pregnant next year sometime.


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