Moose will jump up on our bed when we lay down and nuzzle his nose under our hand and puts our hand onto his head to pet him. It's sooo adorable and I was wondering if anyone elses corgi does it?

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Oh yeah! Torri does it sometimes, but when we keep our son's Ringo, he is the champ at that when I am reading. If nuzzling doesn't get my attention, he will then just lay his head across my book. Persistent little devil!!
I know! Moose either does it when I'm on the laptop or about to fall asleep, Moose is afraid of my dad when he's standing because he's so tall, but when I was over visiting my dad tried to take a nap but Moose followed him and was nuzzling his hand too. It's adorable and amusing though, they are persistent!! It usually involves the corgi whine and bob shake too, lol.
Archie does it ALL OF THE TIME. Especially when we give any attention to his older brother Caleb or the cats. He does it for no reason alot of times too, but especially when he's not the one getting the attention!
Yup I've actually had conversations with my friend on how to cut it down lol. It's adorable until they constantly do it to the point you can't put your hands down at all.
Lando Oliver only does this in the morning. The routine is daddy gets the breakfast, they go outside then daddy puts him back on the bed with me. That is when he comes and nuzzles me, he does exactly what moose does, noses under my hand so I have to pet his head. Not sure why this is the only time he does it, maybe to let me know he is back on my bed.
It's so cute how they do that. Ella will lay her head on my hand so I will rub her head. Also likes to curl up next to my leg in order to get her belly rubbed. Adorable!!!
Jesse does this mainly I think to get her ears rub. They bother her right now. I know I'm spoiling her, but I can tell they hurt, even with the medicine. And I can't ever pass up on corgi love time.
Yes it's so bossy! He nuzzles my baby nephews too.
Hayden loves to does the same thing and at times be very demanding about it. I may be on my laptop trying to do some homework and he decides it is time to have his head and belly rubbed.....oh boy the nuzzling never stops!
Maddie does this to the point of being annoying. I try to ignore her when she does it (since she's so pushy about it). One evening, I was dozing off reading and she started licking my arm. I sort of absently pushed her away while stroking her head to get her to stop licking me, and presto! she'd learned a new trick. So now she tries licking me if she wants me to pet her.

In the morning, before work I get down on the floor and do some stretches. She comes and lays by me for belly rubs, and if I stop she paddles both her front paws in my general direction. So cute!!

My other Corgi, Jack, does not like to be petted. :-(
Thats the best part of waking up! (Besides coffee) Is having a corgi nuzzle your hand! In the morning is the only time Igor is that loveable too. I love it though.


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