All of my dogs are female.  That was not intended, it's just how things ended up.  We have 3 dogs, 2 of which are mini dachshunds.  My Corgi Grace has been fighting with the oldest dachshund, Ziggie, who is 11 years old.  When I got Grace, the breeder told me that she would try to test her dominance and to make sure I feed her last and to put her in a "time out" if she growls or snarls at the other dogs.  We have been doing this from the start and it hasn't made much of a difference.  In fact it's getting worse.  For example, yesterday Grace and Ziggie got into 3 fights. 

Usually they fight once every couple of days or sometimes we can go a whole week without a fight.  Whenever they fight Grace starts it 90% of the time.  Ziggie will be walking around the house minding her own business and Grace will run across the room and start the fight.  There is no rhyme or reason except for when Grace is in my room, which is kind of her kingdom. We've noticed when the other dogs go in my room Grace sometimes snarls at them to get out.

So back to yesterday.  One of the fights was in our living room.   Grace ran across the room to get her.  Then in the backyard they got into a full on fight. I happened to be outside by them with a running hose, so I hosed them down.  That worked.  Then later on in the evening Grace was in my room and Ziggie was in there hanging out.  Everything was fine.  Then out of nowhere Grace attacked Zig.  It looked like something off of Discovery Channel.  I separated them and put Grace in her kennel for a time out.  Ziggie has a scratch on her eye, a tooth hole next to her eye, a hole in her ear and a bite mark on her nose.  It was bad this time.

We've tried the feeding last thing and the kenneling thing and the tethering thing.  Is there anything else we can do to stop this?

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Hmmm. Do you have the resources to consult with a behaviorist? I don't want to give any advice because I'm not qualified and I could make things worse. It occurs to me, though, that in a free-roaming setting, an 11-year-old would no longer be "top dog" and it sounds like it's a natural situation where Gracie is making it perfectly clear that she does not tolerate the status quo. That's not to say it's a situation that can continue as-is.

I do know that two fighting females can be a tough situation to resolve. Sorry, I don't have any advice!
I am not sure how a tethered dog can attack another. Maybe she should be tethered to you a little longer. I did it with mine and Sparty may not like Misty but he leaves her alone. Misty is kenneled when I am not home so he can not go after her when I am not around either.
I had her on a leash tied to me and she seemed to be doing fine but if Ziggie walked near her she'd lunge at her and snap at her. So even when she's tied up she still tries to go after her.

When I'm not home we lock her up in her kennel cause we don't want them fighting when no one is home.

It's just so weird cause she's a super sweet dog other than fighting with the oldest dog.
Malyssa, When she is tethered to you if she even looks at the other dog give her a leash correction (tug) and a very dramatic, emphatic NO. If she has a couple good hours try doing something she likes with just her (it can be petting, playing whatever) but be sure it is away from the others. If she does not respond to a leash correction then give her a time out (alone in another room, outside or even tied up away from everyone). She is not recognizing you as the leader so is attempting to take over that spot. This is hardwired in her nature and obedience classes and/or Nothing In Life Is Free method will really help. Persistence really does pay off. Unlike humans dogs will rarely continue doing something there is no pay off for. You can do this but it does not work overnight. Just hang in there!
Thanks for the help! I do the leash correction and I tell her no if she starts growling at her or if she's starts to go at her. We've been through obedience school and the trainer told me to tie her to me and that whole thing. It just hasn't been working a whole lot. So I will continue on and hopefully the persistence will work out.
I wonder if it's because the 11 year old is getting old, and Gracie is challenging her for rank.
Maybe you could try putting Grace into Doggy DayCare? A place where she would have to intergrate herself into a pack and wouldn't get to be top dog? It would also allow Grace time by herself and tire her out a little bit plus the added side bonus of you getting a day without the stress....Both of mine go to daycare every Fri. they get dropped off at 7 am and picked up at 5:30 at night the cost for me is 20.00 per dog and it's really the best 40.00 I spend all week.... I wish you the best in solving this!!
I stopped by your page and see that Grace is coming up on a year old that's when I put Jordan into daycare because he stopped being nice to some dogs he'd played with as a puppy....daycare helped out immensly!! as soon as Teagen was cleared with her shot's to be around other dogs off she went too =)
Ok I'll look into that. There's a doggy daycare on the next block from my house. I've considered it but I wasn't sure if it would be worth it or not. Thanks for the advice!
Like I have been told before, and I know now, it's usually not for no reason. Ziggie could be taunting Gracie and you may be missing it or not even around. My dad has a mini Dachshund and he taunts Copper to no end. Copper won't be malicious but when he has had enough, he noses Cuddy (Dachshund) and gives him a snarl. Some examples of taunting: Cuddy will jump down when Copper comes over and eat his food really slow while staring Copper down and chewing with his mouth open. HE NEVER eats like that when Copper is not around. We have had a nylabone in the house that was my previous dog's bone when I still lived at home. Pooh (previous dog) did not like the bone and neither did Cuddy so it sat. Copper loves that bone and when he tries to play with it, Cuddy will find him, growl, taunt, and act like he wants to play to get Copper away from the bone and then he will take it. If Copper tries to take it back, it's war. Cuddy will also purposely over love me so that Copper gets jealous. They are like little kids. It could also be what some others are saying with switching out dominance. That happened with my mom's German Shepherds. When the dad was getting older, the son was trying to be top dog and this caused some pretty bad fights. I would just be correcting and watching Ziggie to see if there is anything you might be missing.
I know Ziggie taunts her with the ball sometimes but when Grace gets the ball, she taunts Ziggie with it. We have a ton of tennis balls and such but there's a specific one that is their favorite. I've tried distracting Grace while Zig is playing with the ball but that doesn't last too long. I think Grace is ADD. :D I'll definitely look out for anything else Zig might do to tease her.
Precisely why I want to get this fixed. I thought things were getting under control because it wasn't happening as often. I did everything the trainer and the breeder has told me to do. Obviously by the course of events from the day before, what I'm doing is not working. So do you have any advice for how to fix?


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