I felt compelled to say this and if it's deemed inappropriate then it can be deleted. There is a song by the booth Brothers that starts out like this..."If I leave this world of sorrow sometime before you do just look for me in Heaven and we'll talk the ages through. But, if at first you fail to see me let me tell you where I'll be-I'll be thanking Christ my Savior for saving a wretch like me."

I believe in the great possibillity that when our beloved companions leave this world and cross the Bridge it will not be the last account we will have of them. I don't think they were created and given such a short time on this earth but were made for our companionship and pleasure to endow them with love care and attention throughout their short lifespan. Animals don't need a Savior because they don't require redemption as they are innocent and don't sin such as we do. I'm comforted by the verse of Scripture in Job that goes like this-" Job 12:10 (KJV) In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

There are other verses in various books of the Bible that declare we will see our loved ones again, not only human but animal as well and I glory in that promise. So, when my beloved Bubba departs this life and I later follow, after looking for the one who died for me first and thank him for what he's done for me all throughout my life, I want to see my Mom and Dad. Then, I want to ask where I might find my Bubba and I'm sure He will point to an area beyond the streets of transparent gold and just over the Pearly Gates to a place laden with thick, lush grass where I'll see a particular short legged tri colored Corgi boy named Bubba who will race toward me smiling at my presence and I'll get to hold him and watch him play forevermore. I'll get to see my Katie who went before him as well.

Have faith, those of you who have lost your loved ones recently and long ago. We have this precious promise that this is not all there is here. As the Apostle Paul said, "If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable." I'd like to say also that if in this life only we have the capability of touching and loving our companions, nevermore to see them once they depart, we are of all people most miserable.

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I want to preface by saying that I take absolutely no offense to what I'm replying to, nor do I want to see the conversation turn into a debate or get closed down. I didn't read your whole post carefully last night and just noticed this part now, when you say:

"I'd like to say also that if in this life only we have the capability of touching and loving our companions, nevermore to see them once they depart, we are of all people most miserable."

I am responding because I find this belief wide-spread, and while our culture as a whole is exceptionally welcoming of all religions, I find it still a bit hostile to no religion and those of us (and there are many) who don't share these beliefs tend to just keep our mouths shut so as not to offend.

I wanted to share my own perspective, and no I don't think we see our loved ones again after we leave this earth, and I can assure you it's not a miserable way to live. Living for this world, and not the next, means making the most of everything we have and the things and people we love, knowing our time to do so is short. The world is still full of wonder and awe. Grief is still grief, and joy is still joy. Those that we love live on in our hearts, whether we believe we will see them in the next life or not.
My thought is that if we can treat all living things with the respect and dignity that we should ...no matter what happens in the future we can be proud that we did a good thing and made a difference in someones life:) People seem to be getting more and more separated from others and I know I tend to rush a lot lately instead of taking the time to enjoy the people and 4 legged friends that I love so dearly! Living in the moment will not mean we don't feel sadness and joy later but we will know we did what we could to show we cared thus making us not regret not spending the time to enjoy others:)
I'm not real religious, and I am not too sure just what to believe in sometimes, but this post made me feel better. Thank you for taking the time and sharing your thoughts!
Im grateful because knowing Jesus give me more joy than the world gives and this life is a but a vapor in the book of James. (bible) my hope is in Him
I really enjoyed this post and it brought tears to my eyes. Trust me, I've questioned God numerous times with things that have happened in my life (my grandparents dying of cancer, a little boy in my Church dying of cancer, a neice only living a few hours, a friend being in a car accident and ended up in a coma), but I have to keep trusting in God. I know that He has a special plan for my life and that is why it is called Faith. I find encouragement knowing that I will see not only family members, friends, but also 4-legged family members in Heaven. I look forward to that day and of course getting to see my Savior and I think Noodles, when he passes, might just be sitting next to Him, waiting for me to join him.
I had all but forgotten about this topic since it's been nearly a year ago until I received several emails about the responses recently. We have the innate enjoyment of believing whatever we choose to believe in and that's a blessing in itself. God didn't create robots who move, think, act and respond to His every will. He gave us all choices-to believe in him or not, to act out and respond to situations that cross our path daily and to believe whether there is a better place than what we currently live in.

I posted what I did because of what I believe and I cast no stones to anyone who believes contrary to that as that is your prerogative and your feelings about it. It is my choice to believe in God, the bible and the fact that we are promised a better place once departing from this life. Miserable? No, I'm not miserable in this life as I have seen a lot of good things happen not only to me but in others lives. I've seen all manners of sickness and death, unfortunately, as well.

My own brother passed away a year ago this month. I saw one of my best friends and "Corgis-in-law", so to speak, as she had two of Bubba's half brothers, at the age of 56 die from cancer. I know of a 4 year old little boy who has suffered from nearly the day he was born with cancer and had to undergo chemo and radiation treatments and has spent the vast majority of his short life in a hospital. According to the word of God, in which I believe totally, we weren't promised the proverbial bed of roses here on earth nor were we promised we'd live a life of ease, comfort and pleasure while here. We all have had times when we've questioned, what am I here for, or why does God, who is omniscient, allow all these things to happen? There are very few of us who have never questioned God's ideas about a certain person or situation that we deem his allowing in our lives or in that of others. I'm just as guilty as anyone else.

However, if God's not sovereign, if He's not who He says he is, and if there's really nothing after this life, I may as well throw all I believe in, have been taught, and throw the bible in the trash along with Bubba's pee pads and live life to the hilt in favor of just living for the now. I know of people who believe in "parts" of the bible they want to believe in and quote but, you have to take it in it's entirety or not take it at all. You can't pick and choose what you want to believe and what you want to cast away as a fable. I believe all sixty-six books which make up one book, that I've come to love and cherish over my 64 years and that's the infallible and inerrant word of the living God in whom I put my trust, my future and my eternity in.

I don't concern myself about offending someone with my beliefs.I don't apologize for the one who died for me. My savior hung on a cross in my behalf and because of his shed blood, I look forward upon my death to being instantly catapulted into the presence of Jesus Christ, my Lord, my God and my Savior for the bible has declared that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. The Jews were offended at Jesus as well so, who am I to be concerned about my offenses?

At the risk of writing a book here, might I just say that there were few, if any, that were not touched my calamity, sickness and sorrow that were considered to be God's prophets and soldiers for the Lord. Job was a prime example. David, the only man in the bible declared to be the "apple of God's eye", was chastened by Nathan the prophet for his sins and God told David that the sword would never depart from his house. His own son betrayed him while another killed his brother for incest with their sister. David had his share of calamities despite his standing with god. Hezekiah was told by God that he would die and not live due to a sickness. Hezekiah wept bitterly and prayed to God to spare him and God heard his prayers and laments and gave him another fifteen years. He lived long enough to see all he had stolen and taken away from him. Possibly he would have been better off to have went on to be with the Lord when he was told he would die.

My little boy, Bubba was diagnosed with a superficial Corneal ulcer about seven weeks ago. This was something that should have been healed in 3-5 days, seven at best. It just wouldn't heal. I called out to God in his behalf and asked for a totally healing for him and explained how his total innocence should warrant his healing(as if God didn't know). He wasn't healed. did I get mad at God? You bet I did. I KNEW what He could do and just saying the word or just a thought would heal my boy but, god chose not to do it at that point. Did that destroy my faith in who God says he is? Definitely not. His time is not my time nor are this thoughts, my thoughts. Bubba's eye is looking better and I have great hopes it won't be long before his eye will look like the other one and not have to put all the drops in his eye every day.

My apologies for writing so much and for being so long winded, those that have chosen to read all this as I'm usually not so wordy. I do want to just say our choices are clear. We can choose to believe in the one who says he is our god, our redeemer and our creator or we can choose otherwise...it's all up to each individual to believe in what they think is right.
I read every word, Of your original post.... And this one too. WOW!!! Your witness is quite powerful. Thank you!

God gives us free will. And asks us to believe with the faith of a child. My choice is to believe with the faith of a child. Sometimes it's hard ... and almost impossible, but that is when I have to remind myself to be still and listen.......
Amen and Amen~ ill agree with you for healing in Bubba's eye...in JESUS name
I am sitting here crying as I just read your original post. I just lost my Koura, a tri-color Corgi, in April, from lymphoma. I have been having a hard time with this. My husband refuses to even consider another dog at this time. I hope it is true and I get to see my sweet dogs who have gone before me. Thank you for your post.
Anne Marie,
I'm so sorry to hear about your dear Koura. Every moment we have with our dogs is so precious. It is tragic how short they live, but I think that if we've done our best to make their lives as happy as possible, and they've filled ours with joy, I hope that the sadness of their passing can someday be replaced with the happy memories of spending our lives with them. Peace be with you and your husband.
No better words have been spoken. Thank you so much for posting this. This is very comforting to me. I'm always hoping to see my lost loved pets after their time here is through and its something I think about often.
So very sorry to hear about your little Koura. I know it must have been devastating. I'd have been a basket case if that had been Bubba. I have a particular affinity toward tri colored Corgis and can feel the pain yo must have endured. It goes on a long time.

My former wife and myself are still friends and shared a Corgi mix for some time after our separation. Katie was just two years old when she was put down. Neither of us know what happened but she was in her care when it happened. She basically got strangled somehow and her left eye popped out. After two weeks of treatment she lost that eye and began to have seizures, thrashing against the wall, from what I was told. The decision was made to put her to sleep while I was out of town and I knew nothing of it until I called to see how she was. I was told the vet made the recommendation she be put down as she would not have a quality lifestyle in light of the seizures at her age and could loose the other eye as well. You could have knocked me over with a feather. That was 2004 and I still think of her and would love to see her again.

These precious furry friends of ours were not borne into this world with the original stain of sin like we were and consequently, they need no redeemer. They were brought into the world innocent and leave the same way. I can think of no reason God wouldn't include them in the numbers that will be present on those golden shores when we leave here and are reunited with loved ones. They were part of our family and are loved ones just as much as our Mom's, Dad's, kids and grand kids and God acknowledges that love and they are his creation. He thought it important enough to have Noah herd all animals by two's into the ark for a reason and if animals were unimportant to him I don't think he would have done it. I choose to believe we'll not only see our loved ones again but, we will see our animal loved ones. If anyone doesn't want to share that belief, that's their prerogative and choice to make.


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