I know there are other discussions already on here regarding this subject and I did try to go through them but I am going to start another one. I found information that a dog is in heat for about 21 days? I was just curious as to how long the bleeding part of this lasts? And is that something they start on day 1? I didn't notice anything yesterday but this morning woke up to there being spots on my floor and the bedspread where Molly sleeps. I have never had a dog with this issue before because they have always been spayed as puppies, she is an older dog I got at the end of September and even if I did want puppies (which I don't) the reason the lady gave her too me was because she had some difficulties with her last litter and she wanted her to retire from being a mom. I got her for free on the stipulation that I get her fixed and obviously don't breed her. If anyone read my blog from earlier you will know that I have had a difficult time this past month and have not had the time or money to get her in to the vet. She will be going as soon as possible. I am just curious as to what to expect with her as far as the bleeding etc and how long from now until I can start to assume it will be safe for her to be out with the other dogs.