What's on your Corgi's Christmas list this year?

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Hi, join the Knee High Herder Holiday group to hear more about Holiday dreaming..as for Ed and Gem I think they are going to get some stuffies and new doggie tags!!
Ginger is getting a new doggie bed because A. she's outgrown the one I got her when she came home, and B. she likes to steal her sister's bed, and big sis is less than amused.
My Corgi's are getting stockings, that i am making. Loads of homemade treats, A stuffy each, a stuffy to share and play tug with. New collars i guess because my boyfrined informed me that he left them on the coffee table and our girl chewed and broke the buckles on both her and her brothers collar, So they are wearing there spares from the emergancy/first aid kit. The ones they destroyed they got as a earlier first birthday gift just 2 months ago gurrr.... Then maybe some bison bully sticks, antler or some other chew. If they are really good they may get a new GoDog to each from santa.

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I think a pet petter defeats the purpose! But an automatic defuzzer would be nice.
lol... It's a gag gift box :)
Oh! that is so funny. :)
Mine will get new cow bones and treats! Since the grand kids will be here I think the dogs will be exhausted.
Yoda and Chewie told me that they really want a little sister, perferably a tri-color one. That is not gonna happen. They are getting treats and toys for Christmas.
Well Midas is getting tennis balls, antler chew, new leash, and a rope toy to share with Dozer. And Dozer is getting an Orbee snowball, antler chew, and a new leash. And of course in exchange for their presents they are required to go visit Santa for a picture to put on our mantel!!!
My three each have a stocking. They'll be getting the kneecap bone things, stuffed raw hides, Greenies, new puzzle toys (they've kind of decimated the find a squirrel and turtle puzzle toys they've got), pig ears, and many many bellyrubs and river swims.
they both needs new beds and some new toys :-)


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