I am about to make a down payment on a Corgi pup within the next few days, and since this place seems to be filled with owners with experiance, I have some questions I'd like to throw out there.

I currently live in an apartment, that's about 700 square feet. Is this enough room for a corgi? We also have two cats, and a total of two people (who are fairly small in frame). Granted, it will be given many oppritunities for walks and such.

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sounds just like me , i say the same thing...
Yes, Sam sums it up pretty well. One more thing, make friends with your neighbors, they can fill in to feed, potty walk, and dog sit the Corgi for you. It shouldn't be hard, everyone loves a Corgi!
You can do lots of indoor play, but think of your downstairs neighbors if you have uncarpeted floors -- the noise.
Access to a fenced play area is wonderful. Favorite ball: Nike Jr. basketball 7-8" dia., or a volleyball.
If you've not had a dog before, I'd advise being very methodical about training: make goals, keep a log, do obedience training; it's a big commitment but all that really pays off. Dot i's, cross t's. Make sure everybody in the household is with the training program so the dog gets consistent handling (we made this mistake). We had success with the "Emergency Recall" idea (it's discussed here, Really Reliable Recall or Emergency Recall.
Discourage jumping off furniture, esp. if landing a smooth slippery floors (get nonskid throw rugs for landing/takeoff zones). You want to avoid growth plate injury to the forelegs. Our breeder was quite firm with me: no big physical challenges or long hikes until 1 year old.
Learn how to clip nails and trim fur away from pads.
John, where is the "emergency recall blog" i would like to read it . (i tried to look it up but couldnt find it)
Luckily we live on the bottom floor, and not living downtown, so it will be very easy taking the pup outside to go potty.

Another user stated that the first year would cost about 2k? I assume that's with the adoption fees? XD
Since we're buying from a breeder, it has had all of the shots it requires up to this point.

It hasn't been fixed yet (male). What is a good age to have that done?
Here are a couple articles about the cost of owning a dog (first one even includes a nifty chart!):




All the vets I talked to recommended having puppies neutered between the age of 4-6 months, although some say sooner, and all said older was fine if that's the only option. Frosty was already over a year when we got him and had him fixed, and we didn't have any problems.
Get pup chipped and make sure your cell phone# is on the tag.
Might be impossible to overfeed a puppy, but once it's a dog, do not let it get overweight.
Comet and I went from a 3 bedroom house with a fenced in backyard to a 2 bedroom apartment where I have to take him out on a leash. He's doing just fine. Corgi's adapt to their environment very quickly. I do recommend crate training. Comet stays in his crate when I'm not home so he doesn't damage the apartment. Not sure about anyone else's Corgi, but mine is a notorious chewer. Anything he can put his teeth on he will destroy. He even tore apart his Kong toy and those are pretty indestructible.
Honestly I think $2k is probably pretty spot on if it's your first dog and you're starting from scratch.

If you're getting the puppy at 8 weeks he should have his first set of shots but that is nothing really in costs...and I think you need 3 more boosters after that. Every booster will usually cost you an office visit on top of the shot cost ($45 at my vet). There's also rabies and bordetella, worming, and monthly heartgard/frontline (you can usually buy these from drsfostersmith.com for cheaper than your vet, so check the costs).

Sometimes local animal shelters will offer low-cost spay and neuters, but I'd expect at least $200 for a neuter (my boy cost $450 because one testicle was retained), and around $40 for a microchip. I would also definitely suggest a puppy class which might run around $100. This is on top of food, toys, crates, bowls, collars, leashes...etc. I'm certainly not trying to scare you away from getting a puppy, but realistically they can be VERY expensive, and this is assuming nothing goes wrong healthwise.

And I would wait until he is at least 6 months old to have him neutered. A lot of breeders recommend waiting until they're a year or so. This is worth a read IMO: http://www.akcchf.org/pdfs/whitepapers/3-23-08DiscoveriesArticle.pdf
I live in a two-bedroom apartment myself, and Caius seems to do just well. He loves the walks outside, plays indoors, and whatnot.
Sam is very knowledgeable, and is a good resource for advice. I agree with his post to you. As well as all the other posts here. We all have our own "spin" on what "works". That being said..... here's what worked for us in the "potty training" arena. And I believe it is the BEST "mantra"...... when in doubt.... take her/him out! It will be the best thing for your pup! Another tip.... I read this in several books, articles, posts, etc.... Don't set your puppy up for failure. Take EVERYTHING that might be "attractive" to your pup out of reach. And ..... be mindful of feeding. I believe many corgis tend to be overweight. And we as owners are the ones to monitor that. WE are the ones who get put the food down for them...... hence WE are the responsible one for their "optimum" weight. It is IMPORTANT so please be mindful of your puppy's weight.
Good Luck! You have made a GREAT decision to bring a Corgi into your home! And Welcome!!
ps..... here's a link to a blog I posted, (in my humble opinion it's worth the read) http://www.mycorgi.com/profiles/blogs/weight-control
I got Milly on December 20/07 (as a Christmas present for my daughter) and if I had to do it again I would always get a puppy in the winter. I live in Ontario and it was particularly cold out those days so all we did outside was potty. Milly really caught on quickly that she goes outside to potty, get a treat and back inside to play. For potty training I think it is the best time to get a puppy! Sam also raises some good points in addition I would like to add owners guilt. You will have to leave your puppy alone at times and all you will do when you are out is be thinking of puppy:) And it is true, your life for the next couple of decades will revolve around potty schedules (although it get better when they are older). I don't know how many times we leave a friends place because Milly will have to go potty by now:)


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