This morning for the 3rd time Tasha slipped out the front door off leash and gave me a good run for my money along with 2 neighbors and 1 of the neighbor's dogs.  We eventually caught the little squirt. Well, she's not SO little now. She is 9 mos old this week and full of herself!.  One of the neighbors couldn't believe how fast Tasha runs and that is the main problem. I know we need some discipline/training and where I live I have 2 choices.


First choice are classes at Petsmart-type stores. Prices seem high and I've been told attention isn't very individualized.  She already knows how to sit, but other than understanding a myriad of words, that's about it.


Second choice is a dog trainer who trains all sorts of dogs including police dogs, bombsniffing dogs and family pets.  He is a policeman and the male half of the couple who run the doggie day care place that Tasha goes to one day a week. The way he trains family pets is that he begins by spending 2 hrs ($40) with us and the dog, separate at first and then together.  Follow up sessions are $10.


Which would recommend?  Why?


frustrated in No.CA



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Another thing I forgot to mention....if she gets away the best way to catch her is to drop on the ground and roll around making high pitched idiot sounding noises. Irresistible to most dogs especially corgis. It will also give your neighbors a thrill! And it really works.

I think both choices would really depend on the instructor for me. I tend to like small group classes because it teaches the dog to pay attention to me even with distractions. My pem listened great when it was just the two of us, but throw a few dogs or people in the mix and he would totally blow me off. I think having to work in a busier environment helped that a lot. But, if the trainer sucks and/or the class is huge, it's probably not worth the money.

Your second choice, I would inquire as to what kind of training he uses. My trainer uses positive reinforcement which is what I like. I personally would never work with someone that wants me to use a prong collar or anything like that, but many do - so I would ask about it. Make sure his training methods are something you're comfortable using yourself.

Have you tried asking your vet if they offer or recommend any classes?



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