I don't have a Corgi of my own yet, but plan to get one this summer. I've done a lot of research, read a lot of articles, as well as many discussions on various online forums and blogs, but one thing that I have hard time finding good information about is a good list of similarities and differences between the two Corgi breeds.

From what I've read, the differences I found so far are as follows:
- Cardis are slightly bigger (taller/longer) than Pems
- Cardis always have a tail while Pems maybe be born with a natural bob-tail or have it docked at a young age
- Cardis also have larger, rounder ears than Pems
- Pems come in red/white, sable, or tri colors, Cardis come in all of those, plus various brindle and merle variations
- Cardis are generally said to be more calm, while Pems are knows for their hyperness

If you have anything to add onto this list or to correct it, please do reply. I'd love to hear thoughts on personality differences especially since that's not as obvious as the different looks.

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The second picture is sooooo precious!!! What a beautiful girl, I definitely like both breeds in looks :)
Our Tina is the daughter of our first Cardigan Frodo. Tina is now 2,5 years old. She loves to have her picture taken - just like Frodo (the real actor).

This is a picture of Tina and her red sister Fizzie when they were 10 weeks old:

And this is a picture of a really cute blue Cardigan puppy girl - our Holly´s blue sister Hilla when she was 8 weeks old:

Cardigans come in all colors (almost).

Fromax kennel in Sweden (Cardigans)
oh my gosh I agree so beautiful! :)
My goodness!! You ARE beautiful.
Thank you, Kate. I have a beautiful Finnish mother - Oodi;

and my father is the "sweet-talking" Frodo ("the clown").

Above: Frodo flirting with Oodi.

People say I´m a good mixture of both of them.

The picture above was taken on my first birthday. Now I´m 2,5 years old.
I think you are beautiful as well.
Beautiful dog! Is she a brindle?
I don't know if Susan is active on the site every day, but yes, Tina is brindle, as are her mom and dad.
i prefer pembrokes, but no matter what you decide on, make sure its from a good breeder where you can meet its doggie parents and see how your new addition was raised. I'd take a well bred cargi over a badly bred pembroke anyday, even though i prefer pembrokes. =) go corgis! I've had so many people stop me and ask what breed my dog is and the word I've heard most describe my little one is "cute" haha. he sure is. good luck!
I think Cardigans are the best!!! : ) I have two. I have met both outgoing cardigans and shy Pembrokes even though that is not the norm. One of my Cardigans loves everyone wants to meet everyone, and give kisses. My other is quite shy, and saves his affection for those he knows well. It probably does not matter that they are both males. Interview your breeder, meet some of her/his dogs and see if you like their temperament, while this is no guarantee on temperament it is good to know where you are starting from with your new pup. Good luck I can not wait to see some pictures!
Here is a link that will give you the registered cardigan corgi breeders in Calif. http://www.cardigancorgis.com/BreederDirectoryDisplay.asp?reg=12

I downloaded a "Breed All About It" Video show from ITunes on Cardigan Corgis. It is 30 minutes and cost $1.99. In it they talk about the differences between the two breeds. It was well worth my two dollars.

I did the same research that you are doing and ended up picking a cardi. He's now four weeks old and will be coming home in May. Good luck on your choices.
Thanks for mentioning the show! I only caught part of it from youtube. I'm going to itunes next :)


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