We have a 8 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He has develeloped a sort of tick, where he has quick movements of his head with simultaneous blinking of his eves. It is not constant but occurs a few times a day. The Best example I could draw a parallel with is  a momentary "Shiver" as in a chill. He is a bit overweight , has very fluffy coat, treated for Flea with a once-a-month external application called FrontLine or Advantage.No behavioral problems and othwise perfectly normal Dog. Is there a enough here to eliminate or generate a need for concern?

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I don't mean to scare you, but this is an unusual behavior and may be cause for concern. I'd recommend taking a video of an "episode" and then get an appointment with your vet and see if this behavior warrants an appointment with a neurologist.
I would also see the vet with this.
Partial/focal seizure maybe? I would definitely take him to the vet.
I agree... there's a chance it could be neurological.  Ginny had a seizure one time when she was younger.  Thankfully, that's the only time I've ever seen that happen, and it hasn't happened since, but it was scary.  Or it may be nothing, but it might be worth checking into in any event.


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