Hello Everyone, About a month ago we adopted another corgi from some guy who could no longer take care of him. He is a very sweet boy who we call Banjo (I attached pictures because he is the cutest thing). I took him to the vet to get him fixed about two weeks after we got him, they did the initial blood test and it came back that his liver enzymes were very elivated (over double) so they didn't go ahead with the neuter.


Earlier this week he was back at the vet getting a bile test done, I got the results back and they were normal before eating but doubled after eating. The vet said it could be a number of things including shunts, liver damage, liver disease ect. We are going for an ultrasound soon so they can see what it might be. He is three this month so he isn't an older dog, I did notice he pants, drools, urinates excessively and drinks alot of water, from what I have read these are all signs of liver problems. He is also very tiny (about 22 pounds, my female corgi is way bigger framed than him) so my question is, has anyone elses dog had liver problems? What was the prognosis/treatment?  What symptoms were they showing?


Alot of what i have been reading is scaring me that he will have to have surgery or there may not be anything we can do to fix it.. :(



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My Corgi has Addison's Disease and it manifests itself the same way with the urination/weakness/drinking. It took three vets to diagnose her. Two Vets suggested she be put down. It is rare in Corgis, so it is a diagnoses that is overlooked. She was about three at the time, on Friday she turned 9. I am NOT a vet, this is just my story of the stress we went through trying to balance our Little Corgi! 

he was in the vet today and has an intestinal infection, they did tests and xrays and stool samples and stuff. So i feel better the sickness wasn't from his liver (or so they say) hes is now on meds at home, eating special food. I am really worried about that ultrasound next week!

So we got the ultrasound back and he has microscopic liver shunts! Something we can control with food and hopefully get him to put on some weight! Glad that is all it is!
Thank you for the update, glad to hear it can be manage with diet
Such good news. What is the diet??? My Little Muffet is on  a food called s/d - it looks like brown jello. It is suppose to help with bladder stones. Thanks goodness she likes it. Best of luck to you!!!
I am glad to hear the somewhat sad, but good news!  I'm happy you will be able to control it with diet...
So glad for all of you that it is able to be controlled...love the pics of Banjo... he looks so handsome:)
Hi there,

I have been reading about Banjo and his shunt. WHat is a microscopic shunt exactly? Trice has been diagnosed with a liver shunt but I am going to a former vet for a second opinion.

My current vet tells me that Trice has elevated liver enzymes, failed his bile acid test, an ultrasound didnt prove much so he says that scintigraphy is the only way to determine if he truly has liver shunt or something else. If it's a shunt, surgery may help him. But some shunts are inoperable.

I am so distraught over this. My sweet Trice is depressed and has lost a lot of weight. He is probably, Im guessing, 16 pounds right now. He is skin and bones.

What medication were you given? What is the special diet?

Thanks so much for reading. Hope to hear from you soon.
Good luck Trice...we are hoping your owner gets some answers too:)


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