Hi everyone,

I'm not a Corgi owner yet but am hoping to be this summer. I have contacted a breeder and I need to let her know if I would prefer a male or a female. I've read some basic pros and cons of male/female dogs in general. But I was hoping ya'll could provide some Corgi-specific insight.

Thanks in advance!

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We have a 17 month old Female (Tiki) and a 15 week old male (Cruise). We got Tiki at 15 weeks old and Cruise at 11 weeks old. Both are loveable but very different. Tiki is very calm, loves to be petted, and is just a doll with the sweetest and best personality one could hope for. Tiki is also a very finicky eater and when she does eat something she is very slow and methodical. So, in general she is very calm and quet. Cruise is totally different...he has an on mode and an off mode...in on mode he ls a spaz...he eats anything and everything w/o chewing and vacuums his food in seconds. He loves to chew and whine and is not afraid of anything. IF both have a chew toy or rawhide he thinks nothing of stealing it from Tiki...she will get mad but after a growl she just lets him take it. In off mode he is totally the opposite...he completely settles down, loves to be held and is very gentle...it's like he's bipolar. IT may change when he is neutered but who knows. Having had male dogs all my life until getting Tiki I think overall it is really based on the dog not the sex of the dog...I am sure you can make statements in general but I think it depends simply on the dog. I would recommend either male or female...in my case both!
There is a generalization that females are more independent, bossy and less affectionate and males are more laid back and social. I do agree with Stephen though, that the individual dog will have its own personality, so you will have males and females that do not fit the stereotype. Also the genetics of the parents/grandparents can make an entire breeder's line either softer or harder in temperament.

When I was looking, I told breeders that I didn't really care about sex or color, but that I wanted a nice friendly, "medium" temperament -- not the most dominant, nor the most submissive puppy. Your breeder should be asking you questions about your lifestyle and activity level, and be able to match the right puppy to your personality.
Our 8month old male has been wicked chill...up until the last few weeks. He has started to get territorial around us, very nippy and even slightly agressive to other male dogs. It could be a combination of the sudden weather change, the move and his raging hormones, but it is upsetting.

It looks like I scheduled the big snip at the right time.
I have a 15 week old male, who is also agessive and also nippy. I know what you mean by upsetting. He has growled and bit our Daughter. I hope I can figure out how to take care of this before it gets worse.
I have a male and a female cardigan corgi, and both came into our homes at 10-12 weeks of age. Our male, Kai is extremely laid back - but as a pup had major "cujo" moments, he actually ate an iron in a fit of separation anxiety - now, he is always known as the "good one." He calmed down after his neutering and the "teenage" years - I'd highly recommend getting a male first. Luna, our female, aye yai yai! we love her to death, but if it weren't for Kai, God help her. She is an extremely loving dog, very easy to train, but the energy level in this dog is amazing, and I swear I'm not getting that old, at least I hope not. The pair of them work very well together tho, and we love them both. They adore playing with each other, are completely inseparable. Kai is also more patient with Luna's needs for attention - where Luna needs all the attention. Kai is now 5 and Luna is almost 1-1/2. Good luck!
My experience is that the females like to be "on" you and the boys are happy to be with you. While the females are typically more bossy they also seem to make a stronger connection with their human. I have always chosen my females as my favorite training partners. Males seem to be a bit more "happy go lucky" and tolerant. My girls have always barked more then my boys. This is speaking in generalizations.
Lola is a sweet girl and loves to be in my lap whenever she can. She also is our "guard" puppy. Toby is more laid back but still very affectionate. He mainly barks when its dinnertime. Both have their own personality and our very much loved.
We have a male and a female puppy, brother and sister, 10 weeks old, and I would definitely say that temperament depends on the individual puppy and varies both day to day and person to person with whom they are interacting! I always brag on Layla about how smart she is, how she does so well with potty training, she sits and is working on stay, etc etc, but my boyfriend Josh says when he is the only one around Hunter actually does better in these areas. Layla responds better to me and Hunter responds better to Josh (ps we are making a conscious effort to work on that). I do think that it was easier to break Layla of her dominant tendencies and have her defer to humans easier than it has been with Hunter. He still seems to want to be The Man and The Boss. But I am sure there are girl puppies like that too!
I also heard that females will bond with Male owners more and vice versa, for us that is the case. She is in LOVE with my boyfriend she loves to snuggle with him and lay with him. While i just get a butt full of fur in my face.
Our corgi is a girl. We also have a male Cavalier Spaniel. Cavs are known for being total pushovers, so our corgi's spunky little attitude has resulted in her being totally in charge of the household at 9 weeks old. We got a girl, though, because we felt like the girl/boy combo would be nice to have.

Honey Bun is very nosy, curious, playful, self-important and kissy.
Now tha tI think of it I can see the 'bossy' in Roxi now :) While she is very sweet in the usual corgi fashion as she's gotten older I've noticed she's a little more shy when letting people pet her even if she runs up with that bunny butt wiggle, she'll dart away if they move too fast lol.

With other dogs I can see it too, even if they are two times bigger then her she will still let them know who's boss if they annoy her. She'll also try and steal their toys but thats another story lol.

As for being layed back.. she will bark at mystery things and try to ignore us when we tell her to stop but she is the snuggliest pup I've ever owned. Loves to cuddle and fall asleep with people... a good example is last fri we had a BBQ and she fell asleep on my roommates stomach while watching a movie that night lol!
i have a 10 mo. old female, she is a huuuuge suck and loves to cuddle/take baths/meet people. shes very very overprotective of me though. she is pretty laid back but i think it has more to do with her then her gender.


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