Cosmo has now made it to adolescence and is forming some long-term habits. One of these worries me. More often than not, he doesn't lift his leg or squat to pee. It's getting to the point that while he's peeing he's also sniffing his surroundings and walking while going. He also often steps on the spot where he just peed. Naturally I'd prefer to change this behavior. Otherwise I'm constantly cleaning him up after a quick pee break. What's worse, others who take him out are probably not cleaning him up after his pee break. I'm guessing that this is more common in the short-legged breeds. Any thoughts on reversing this behavior? 

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Hmm.   Haven't seen this, honestly.  Even my female lifts her leg a bit when she pees.  They both wander sometimes while pooping, but not peeing.   I've seen male dogs who squat, but usually they do one or the other (squat or lift).
Haha, yes Maddie also does the funny hop to avoid it.  We call it her "dismount." 

Franklin still squats. Lifting the leg is actually a learned behavior and if he hasn't been around male dogs that are constantly marking he may never lift his leg. I personally prefer that. I have an 8 year old lab who still doesn't lift his leg and my big old dog who we had to put to sleep last year was 11 and never ever marked or lifted his leg.

If you want to change it just take him to the dog park for few weeks and he will be lifting his leg and peeing on EVERYTHING in no time....he may also learn to hump anything and everything that moves.....

My rhun doesn't always lift his leg and actually in the mroning if he does he ends up bringing it to far forward to the point he pees on the back of his front paw Eeeew if he isn't paying attection or still half asleep. Sometimes he steps in his pee leg up or not, he tries to manuver so he doesn't but it ends up making him step right in it. Rhun sometimes wanders forward if he is at the dog park and trying to keep moving t play witht he other dogs but needs to pee but doesn't want to stop lol... Both of mine wander when they poop half the time.
Baxter is a front-leg-peer too! It's so frustrating especially when his little white paw actually turns yellow. =/
Luke will lift his leg to mark but usually squats to pee at our house. Like Melissa said he started his marking behavior at the dog park, lol. Do you have your own yard? What if you tried putting some sort of vertical structure like a bird bath or stone of some sort, and encourage him to pee on that? Maybe you could uhh..borrow a neighbor dog to get it nice and smelly first? haha

Part of it depends on what age a male dog is neutered. If a male is neutered before a certain age - they might never learn to lift as they never got the hormones.

My dog started "marking" behaviour around 5mos. The leg-lift came shortly thereafter. I had to giggle one time as he was just starting to get the hang of it: he spotted his "target" but lifted the wrong leg :) Then it seemed he wanted to lift Everywhere. He was neutered at 7mos.

Now he's over a yr old. Sometimes in the deep snow I believe he thinks "why bother?" & does a half lift or slight tipping of the leg off to the side.

With our boys it seems to be a matter of what's nearby to be interested in. Some squat, some lift legs...and they all occasionally forget themselves, get distracted & step in what they just did. It's the backing up to trees & shrubs to poo that's the most little dump trucks.
Jack likes to back up onto stumps and shrubs to poop too.  Very strange!
Waffle waddles around like a disabled penguin before settling on a spot in the middle of nowhere (sometimes the street) to poop.  I wish he backed up into shrubs!
THAT is a great image! : )
Enzo lifts his leg a little but sometimes gets lazy and puts it down mid pee hehe.  As for the sniffing around thing he does this all the time!  I think it is a mixture of it being spring time and everything smells extra delicious and the fact that corgis are sooo low already so its not much of a stretch for them to pick up on a yummy scent.


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