Hi! Im Izzy in Detroit, Mi. and I am looing for a corgi friend to be a forever home. I just moved to the city, and am alone, I know no one and ave no family out here. I work short hours, am home after 6-8 hours every day. I like to hike, walk and explore the city. I live in a pet friendly apartment, with a gated area, and am on the 4th floor with no elevator. I currently live with a gerbil and a hermit crab.

I have tried to adopt a few corgis from rescues and shelters and they keep promising me pets, saying I passed the adoption assesment and to come out and hours before I arrive the adopt them out to someone else. Im happy for the dogs but my heart is aching. Im hoping one of you guys can help me out :)


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Did you ever check on Paco?
Don't quit looking, there is a special corgi out there that needs you and if you keep looking you will find that corgi. Not all rescues and shelters are bad, you just run into some bad luck with the. All my corgi's are rescues and they are very appreciative and know you have saved them. Rescues are worth their wait!!

I'm very happy for you.  Much love to you and your new boy!


Rescues can be tough to deal with.  Some are really good, many are really really picky.  When we got our cat from rescue, we were one of 12 who wanted to adopt her.  She's deaf or hearing impaired and there was even a woman who was a psychologist and already had 3 deaf cats before.  If I were the rescue, I would have picked her.  :-)


Anyway, they picked us because we had chatted several times with one of the volunteers before we even were ready to get a new cat (we had recently lost my elderly kitty and were too heartbroken to look for several months).  It was the personal connection that got us the "in";  she remembered us and how fondly we had talked about our sweet Alice, and she put in a good word for us.  


So if you really have your heart set on adopting, maybe try making a personal connection with a rescue in your area.  


Have you considered going through a reputable breeder?  They are less likely to sell a pup out from under you, though heartache can still happen (they might have a half-dozen people looking and the bitch only ends up having 3 pups, for instance).  


I hope you find your Corgi soon.  

I just wanted to comment that when you say less likely to "sell" a pup out from under you, its important to note that rescues arent "selling" dogs. They are rescuing them and usually 100% of the time it is with no profit. There are lots of dogs in this world, including corgis that need homes and if someone wants to adopt, I dont think its right to suggest a breeder. Just my opinion, not looking to start any type of discussion. I just think in the state our world is in right now with a severe overpopulation of animals - adoption should be the only option for a while. :)
I went through the same thing, it will work out I promise.
Don't give up, as discouraging as it seems, when the time is right, you will find a corgi for you.  There seems to be alot of corgis in rescue, so Im thinking eventually you will find yours.  We just rescued a red and white pem, from a shelter near my home, which I never thought I would see a corgi in a shelter so close to me!!  Have you checked the local shelters near your home?  Sometimes it seems the harder we try, the less it works out. I would also keep checking this site for corgis in need of homes, as people do post here.  I wish you luck in your search and hope that you can find one sooner than later.  Hang in there!!!

I thought I would post this link for you, not sure if they will adopt out of state, but maybe worth looking into. 



Thats sweet, but Im in Detroit, thats a ways to go. Thank you, but I feel this is a sign Im not supposed o have a dog right now
Some times there are rescue groups that will transport dogs, not sure if this particular one will.  Timing is everything, when the time is right you will find a corgi right for you.  If we didnt find Tucker so close to us in the shelter we would still be a one dog home.  The reason we found his link is because my husband was looking at the website to find out about my daughter volunteering there!!!!  I feel like it was meant to be.  Hang in there for the right time. :)
Hi Izzy! I'm live in Saginaw, which is maybe 2 hours from Detroit. I have an 8 month old tri-color male Corgi that's needs a loving patient home. I'm not sure if your still looking, but you sound like a perfect match for Gunner. Please let me know if your still intereted in rescuing a corgi, he's a very loving, child-friendly well behaved boy. Look forward to. Hearing from you!
Awww, how great would this be if it works out!!


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