Hi guys! Tobi is going on 7 months old and he is fine with his crate. Once he's inside he just plays with a toy or goes to sleep. But, the only problem is getting him into the crate! We have to chase him around the room and trick him and pick him up just to get him in the crate. Is there anyway to teach him to go in the crate without having to chase him down? Thanks in advance!

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Our doberman has to be crated when we are not home. I smear a little spray cheese in a Kong and she races for her crate anxiously awaiting her treat. It is the only time she gets it so it makes crate time special. Try that it works great!

treats is how i do it.. works like a champ


You just trow the treats in the crate and when he goes inside say good boy gave him another treat, but only if he is in the crate then work up to saying go in your crate as you trow the treat in and then just pretend to throw a treat but give him one when he is in there, and pretty soon all you will have to say is go to your crate and he will run and get in it. The treats dont have to be big either just a tiny piece of chicken or hot dog or what ever but it works best if you use something they can eat fast (not a biscuit) but make sure you give him a treat every time you put him in so that he knows good things come from being in there
My dogs kennel on request but I do throw treats in and believe this is why they have learned how fun it is:)
Again, treats are the way to go.  We trained Ellie to go in with Goldfish crackers.  The only problem is I cannot use Goldfish crackers for training any other behavior because as soon as she sees one she heads to the crate.
I had the same with Poopdeck; a treat for going in the crate did the trick! You'll be surprised how fast the pup will catch on. Now I just tell him to go to bed and he runs off and Hops into this crate. Also I think by not being forced he feels he can go in and lay down whenever he wants. (on his own)


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