Ever since he was housetrained my corgi has had a perfect record of no accidents inside. He always sleeps soundly through the night with the last walk of the day being as early as 8pm, and in the morning he never shows any signs of urgency about getting outside to pee (always wants breakfast first before he will set foot outside, etc); in other words he has always appeared to have excellent bladder control and been an absolutely no-worry dog in that regard. He is now two years old and tonight had the most bizarre accident where he simply peed in the bed in the middle of the night (he has slept in the bed with me ever since he was done being crate-trained). 

Could he have been half-asleep or something? I am so surprised that he would pee in the bed rather than jump off (he is quite able to get on/off the bed by himself) and try to indicate he needed to go out. 

I know he drank some after his last walk of the night around 9pm. Didn't seem like a huge amount of water to me at the time. An isolated incident? I'm quite sad at the prospect of getting the crate back out or not having confidence in him that he can be allowed to share the bed.

He does not show any signs of urinary tract infection at all...

Do people recommend withholding water after a certain time? I know people will take up the water bowl in the evening when training puppies but I never did that with him and it's certainly never occurred to me to do so until now. Maybe a good time to start though I hate for him to not have water whenever he wants in the summertime. 

Any thoughts are appreciated!

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My thought would be that I would wait and see if it happens again. maybe he didn't empty his bladder and just had to go. If it does than have him checked for a UTI or try taking up the water?

Tapioca (LOVE the name!)probably just had an accident. Dogs may have a UTI without any other signs, though. If it happens again, call the vet and see if you can bring him in with a sample for analysis. (Hold a clean plastic container that you don't care about getting back under him as he piddles to get a sample.) Dogs don't usually show signs of UTI pain. They may dribble or strain to go too -- watch for that and if you see it, call the vet right away. A course of antibiotics usually clears it up in a week or two.
Taking up water after a certain time of night isn't that big a deal unless you live where it's really hot and don't have AC. Sophie has a seizure disorder and leaks when she has a S sometimes, but you would have felt him thrashing around if that was the case while he was in the bed with you. Good luck.

Like Chris says, it was probably just an accident when he was sleeping soundly.  Are there other possible explanations? Yes, but I would not make too much out of just one incident and simply treat it as a housebreaking problem.  I don't think it's necessary to restrict his water in the evening.  His adult bladder is different from that of a puppy. He may however be drinking more in the day because of the Season, which is normal and you do not want to interfere with that.  I would adjust his schedule for going out ( more opportunity more often ) and crate him again for awhile at night.  As for UTI, this condition is more common in female dogs, so not too likely in yours, especially since there are no other signs.  If you keep having the incidents in spite of his being crated at night, or if he shows signs of loosing urine during the day,then a Vet visit would be the next step for me.  BTW has he been on steroid medications recently? That will do it too.... I would also question any NEW medication he may have been given, it could be a possible side effect.

Thanks for the thoughts. Nope, he's not on any meds at all. Definitely not a seizure-type thing but still very odd behavior for him--by the time I got the light on in the room & my glasses on so I could see what was happening, he was just standing there on the bed urinating while seeming to be in a trance or else very very sleepy. Took him right downstairs and outside in the yard and he still seemed a little tracelike or cloudy-minded to me. Then again I was barely awake :)

Will be on the lookout for any reason to take him in to the vet but seeing no common signs of UTI.

The confused state makes me wonder if he was having a seizure. Seizures are not always thrashing events. Keep an eye on him and if this state happens again, a trip to the vet is in order. My male corgi had a UTI that we didn't know about until he was peeing blood so it's hard to recognize a UTI. He showed no symptoms until the bloody pee. He had bladder stones. Some antibiotics and prescription food took care of the infection and the stones. I give him a cranberry pill daily now to help ward off UTIs and he has had no further problems.

Sounds like Tapiola may have had a piete mal seizure. All seizures do not cause thrashing about. Maybe it would be worthwhile to take Tapiola to be seen by your vet. Most seizures can be controlled with medication. Hopefully your pup will be well soon. Blessings


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