Hi Everyone,

I got an emergency situation going on here. I just finished giving my puppy a bath and cleaned out his crate. After a nap, I took my puppy out to the restroom and some play, while scratching his stomach, I found a little tiny black critter crawling on his stomach and into his black hair where it is almost impossible for me to detect. I have a tri-color pembroke and its really difficult to check the black areas.

I tried brushing him with his comb to see if any more of those critters, or blood crust, would fall onto the white tile floors, but so far no more of those critters.

The easiest areas to check is his stomach. He is about 3 months old so I know I cannot use any parasite medication on him. Is this something that should really be a concern? Any suggestions??

Thanks for your advice and help in advance!

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I know what you mean Gary, what you need is a headlamp,use two fine tooth combs, one to hold one side, the other to pick and spread the fur. the areas that you want to look for are: hind leg muscle, right above the tushi, the inside of his legs, around the neck. if you see tiny black dots, that's flea dirt. normal healthy skin should be pink, when you see angry red, that's a sure sign of something is biting.
I would be very careful and assess the situation 1st...hopfully it was a gnat or we have what we call "no see ems" which can come through the screens and bite us all but they don't live on the dog...I would check with your vet as for further treatment if you believe they are fleas and the itching won't go away either...the tummy is the best place to see them...once in awhile if he has white on his nose you can see them there too. I use frontline for my adults on the rare occassion that they have gotten fleas BUT please don't continue to use monthly as I believe that this caused one of my cats to have kidney failure...you can also go online and check out any "natural cures" for fleas (again see if it's safe for pups) there might be some oils that can be put on his collar but I'm not sure! Stay away from the store brand flea killer also. Hope this helps and LOL
Thanks for the response people! I tried bathing him thoroughly but I still found the little bugs there. I took the pup to Banfield Vet at Petsmart. The vet recommended we use First Shield Trio on the pup to kill any fleas,ticks, and mosquito. The Vet recommended that we drip them along the back where the pup cannot get to it. Hopefully this will help...!

Thanks for the solutions people!
There are quite a few medications that you are able to use on a pup of 3 months. I know many are looking for natural ways to deal with parasites but I must say in all of my years of owning animals I have yet to find a way. You can bet I have tried many natural remedies. I can also tell you that a pup so young really can be affected by parasites. Advantage can be used on dogs 6 weeks and older. Comfortis can be used on dogs 14 weeks or older. Do know that pups at this age should also begin heartworm prevention. Good luck!
I believe Freya was on Advantage Multi at that age too. It covers everything but ticks--but it is the heart worm preventative as well as the flea--so that's good at least.
Glad to hear people's experiences and solutions with this situation. Im very appreciative of all your support!

After carefully reviewing the instructions for First Shield Pro, it said to drip the medicine evenly on one spot. However, the vet said to just drip it along the back where Jackson cannot lick it. So I followed the Vet's orders and dripped them along the back, without taking into account of how evenly I was doing it. Anyone else does this too?

Thanks for the help! Its so sad when dogs get fleas, fleas are terrible pests.
I think the rules for applying have changed recently....I used to always do this in a longer line and now they say to do the spot...don't know why but I sometimes forget and do it the old way...I have always done it back of neck or between the shoulder blades! Sounds right to me...yes...fleas are yucky and at least with the stuff I use it kills them for up to a month so that helps keep them hopefully away for good...also wash your dogs bedding etc. in hot water to get rid of any fleas/eggs!
I apply the dogs' flea medicine in about 5 spots along their spines. Last year Frontline stopped working os we switched to Advantage and it worked. This year Advantage stopped working so we switched to K9Advantix and so far so good, it's working. I can tell the dogs are so much happier when the fleas are dead!
I think you'll be OK using anti-flea medication like Frontline or K9 Advantix. We used it on Shiro when he was 3 months old and he was just fine.
Things to remember: do not apply right after bath, wait a day. Do not bathe the puppy for 2 days after application or it won't work.
Good luck!
thanks for the support folks! 2 days after the medicine, the fleas appears to be gone! I picked one dead one off yesterday, but I havnt seen any crawling on his stomach from the many times I checked.

He seems a lot more playful, actually, he has been the same, he never really lost a step! I appreciate everyones help!
So glad...I can't imagine having an itch like that and not being able to do anything for yourself!
What brand of medicine did you decide to use? I do the same "belly check" and am so happy to see no fleas on my furkids either.


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