Well Ein's just over a year now and occasionally we feel he should go home when we go to work. So he goes from, no problem. But when I close the door and lock and I tell him, gimme a kiss(lick my finger/hand) he just makes a low growl noise(mouth closed). He doesn't snap or bark or bite(though I haven't pushed the issue so who knows if he could snap at me). He does ignore the sit command 2 out of 3 times if I said it that many times.

What's his deal? Is it because it's his home and he doesn't want me in it or touching it? Even if I just put my hand on it somewhere he makes the growl noise. Is he guarding his space even though it's my space? Is he just being a jerk?

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Are you sure he's growling????? He could be talking to you. Wynn sounds like he's growling but he actually is talking and I just keep talking to him. it could be that he is ready to settle in but my bet is he's saying" good-bye" also!
He gets louder if I continue to do it. Even if I gently touch his nose, even though he puts it between the bars, he does it. Even if I don't ask for a kiss he'll do it. Its like a low hrrrrrrrr. Not really grrrr, but hrrrrrr.
I think you may have the beginning of a "talker"...people we see think Wynn is growling when he actually is talking! Just keep talking and see if he talks back...maybe he's telling you he doesn't like it that you're leaving...who know what those corgi minds are up to!
I really hope that's all it is. We do leave everytime we put him in there. I really don't want to push the issue with him. He didn't listen to a firm NO when he did it either, it's like he goes deaf. He's vocal other times other places, howls, barks, etc. But in his home that little hrrrrr....I dont like it. He gets stiff when he does it or I put my hand close. We got him at 9 weeks old. We've used positive training, we don't hit him or anything like that. So I don't get what his deal is.

I tried this yesterday. When he went home I put my hand on his cage and he did it. So I thought, maybe have him understand my hand on his cage is a good thing...So I put a little peanut butter on my hand. He loved it, licked it clean off, no hrrrrrrr. Maybe if I try that more often he will get it that I just want his kisses.
I agree with Jane. Griffyn is a "talker" he grumbles at Soffie at bedtime. He's on Dawns bed and Soffie and I go in to say goodnight to him and even tho he moves to the edge of the bed to go nose to nose with her he is giving that low under his breath rrrrrrr.

We also use the crate when we go out, and when we eat. Both Soffie & Griffyn know automatically when it's time to head to their "room". We don't make any kind of motion to them at all once they are in. We simply close and latch the gate. Say see you later and walk away. Maybe you could try that??
I was going to suggest the exact same thing. If it is growling in a negative way, if you start poping some treats through the gate or something you'd probably see an improvement. If every time you came over, you threw in some treats, he would just associate you coming over with treats. What I would do personally though, is DON'T reward if he growls at you. So if you walk over and he starts growling, no treat. If he's quiet, treat. He'll learn quickly not only that you have good stuff when you go near his crate (so it's positive and happy) but also that he doesn't get rewarded when he growls, so growling = bad (no treat).
I like your idea. I will try that. Usually we give him a few space invader ice-cubes for going home(its been 80+ and humid lately). He knows go home means go home and has no issue with it. I will try your trick though, it makes perfect sense. Reward his silence. Maybe he is talking. He doesn't do that anywhere else. He's a very nice boy, nice and cuddly and lovey.
Sparty growls at people when they get ready to leave. He barks loudly when they arrive, he barks when it is dinner time he whines when he wants you to keep petting him... the list goes on and on. He is a talker! I give them all a kong with a tiny bit of cheese or peanut butter in it when I leave so he seems quite pleased when we go. Too bad they do not have words..I think!
@ Bev, It might be interesting if they had words...for about a week so we knew what they meant but I'm afraid after that we might want it back to their kind of talking!
Yes, I think they miss out on being in trouble a lot because I can not understand what they are saying!


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