Hello All,

I'm new to the site and we have a 12 week old corgi. Mochi. I had a question about activity level. For those of you that had highly energetic puppies, did your puppy eventually calm down alittle after it grew out of the puppy stage?

For the first few days after we got Mochi at 8 weeks, he would tire easily and take frequent naps on the floor next to you or even on the couch with you. Now, at 12 weeks, he has not taken a nap outside of his crate and he will literally keep playing and playing until we put him back in his crate. The other day, we had a puppy playdate for a full hour and after the playdate we took him running around for 45 minutes (in an empty parking lot since he is not fully vaccinated yet) and at home he was chewing on a bone and playing with us. I know for sure that he was super tired, yet he just kept going and going. He just kept finding things to do. When we finally put him in his crate, he fell fast asleep.


Is his energy level normal? Will he eventually calm down a bit?  

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Nope.  Seanna was a crazy puppy and at 3.5 years is still psychotic.  When she's out, she's out.  I can pick her up and she's like a limp rag--never wakes up.  I've noticed her attention span is a little longer, but not by much.  She has an insanely strong herding instinct.  I'd start channeling energy into positive things...we used to learn a trick or two every week.  Finally we got a high energy German Shepherd mix from the shelter for her to play with.  Made a HUGE difference.  They are best friends and wear each other out....

It is not uncommon for a working breed like a corgi to have a high energy level. My Sparty was like that and I found frequent walks and lots of various activities really helped. Classes as soon as he is old enough will help. I taught Sparty fetch and gave him empty plastic bottles and empty cereal boxes to tear up. He did eventually calm down but now even at 12 will run circles around our other dogs. At least with training he did learn "to knock it off" on command. Of course he had to throw in a great big sigh everytime.
Welcome to the best place a corgi mommy could ever hope to be!  You can ask questions and get answers from people who really know.  If no one has an answer someone will be able to point you in the right direction to get answers.  And besides,  we never tire of seeing your pics and hearing stories.  I have 2 corgis, they are 6 years old and they do have some down time, but mostly they love to play!  They will play until they drop!  Keep posting pics and letting us know how you and Mochi are doing!  Welcome!!! 

Ours are 4+ and 8 now, and I do believe they've finally settled down to about 110% of normal.

So, wait several years.  Meanwhile, Benzedrine might help you keep up.  Make sure he has lots of toys to play with and chew up.  

There should be a support group for puppy owners on this site.  :)



Thats so funny, but true.. when you find the cure i want to know what it is.. We walk in the morning, walk in the evening,...playing in between...

 Carly has actually  calmed down since the spaying at 11 months.. but if i don't walk her she is destroying something some where in my house or garage.. problem with my girl she wont stay outside unless were out there with her and its hard to hang out with her at all times... my little buddy..

Mochi sounds like Rosie when she was a puppy, she never slowed down! She would keep going and going; when she felt herself getting sleepy she would get really hyper so she wouldn't fall asleep. She'll be two years old this Feb. and she still has lots of energy and enthusiasm, but she's not hyper. When she was a puppy I would put her in her kennel for a nap sometimes during the day when she was tired but would keep going, it helped a lot. Maybe naps would help Mochi? He's an adorable puppy! Enjoy the puppy stage, they grow up pretty fast. =)

Ginger is now 6 and a half months old, and she has been hyper like you described since we brought her home at 10 and a half weeks.  She has to constantly have stimulation and something to do.  She very rarely naps, and never really has.  Corgi's have verying degrees of hyperactivness, and it sounds like you've gotten a hyper one, just like me!  Now, as long as Ginger has a rawhide or pork skin to chew on she'll lay down nice and quietly.  If she doesn't have one she's running around like she's high on Pixy Sticks!  I'm hoping she calms down once she's as little more mature, but I'm not holding my breath.

Oh I forgot to mention that a Kong with a little cheese spread schmoshed around inside will help him settle for a little while too. (peanut butter works too)
my first herding dog was a german shepherd, people always said, oh wait until she is 2 then she will start calming down. At 12 years old she was still running circles around our other dogs. Franklin my dear corgi is EXACTLY the same. Constantly wanting something to do and wanting to play. Everyday he goes out for a 1 hour fetchfest which includes lots of swimming and running and play, and he comes home and immediately grabs a toy to continue the play. I have to remind him (frequently) that he just came back from a long run and he should be tired! Eventually he settles down, but during the day he is go go go, and at about 9 or 10 at night he konks out. Is endless energy is actually the reason I will be adding a second corgi to my house next month! I just can't keep up with him! haha. I always wondered why every corgi owner I ever met had at least 2, now I know!!! Franklin will be 2 in Feb and I see no sign of slowing down in the near future.

hahaha i know what you mean, that is exactly why i want to get a second one..

sometimes i wonder if it will take away from Carly's attention,  but other times i think she will absolutely love it ..more fun for her!!!

Jack was like that.  He would get cranky and nippy and I'd say "YOU need a nap" and put him away.  He'd protest for a few seconds and then he'd be out like a light. 


He'll be 4 in the spring (where does the time go??) and he's still high-energy but not hyper.  My other Corgi will lie around and look relaxed.  If Jack is not doing something he looks bored, and he'll chew obsessively on his fleece piggy for an hour if nothing else is going on.  We've taken him on two-hour hikes and had him come home and power-nap and then in half an hour he will be bringing us tennis balls.

Thanks to everyone for your replies and suggestions! It is reassuring to know that my little guy is not the only energizer bunny out there :) I guess he just has a lot of bottled up energy since we can't go out on official walks yet.


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