My husband's corgi, Buzz, seems to be going completely insane.

Avery's had Buzz since before we started dating and I feel obligated to connect with his dog, but I find it hard to have a good relationship with Buzz. While my husband and I were dating and living separately, he'd bring Buzz to visit and, on occasion, I'd keep Buzz for a week or so. Buzz was great! He got along with my pug, he got along with me, and I never had any problems with him. After I moved in with my husband, Buzz seemed to change.

He became very territory and fear aggressive. He'd start fights with my pug over food, toys, and even their crate. He seems to think that the crate is his property and he will take all of his toys and treats in there and then growl, snarl, and even attack anyone who gets too close. If you try to get him out of his crate, he will growl and try to bite. He growls when you try to push him off the couch, pick him up, or sometimes just walking too close to him will trigger this aggression. He pees all over the place in fear when he knows he's done something bad, yet he continues to do bad things! He's to the point now where I can not trust him at all. Buzz has bitten me and my husband numerous times now over "his" stuff. He has also, after being scolded, hiked his leg on me and my husband. He also barks constantly at everything. The most annoying thing is that he barks and sometimes even lunges at your face when you SNEEZE! I have horrible seasonal allergies, so I am sneezing a lot and can't deal with having him snap at my face. My husband loves his dog and wants to fix the problem, but I am the one that is home all day with Buzz and so I need to be the one that trains him. I love dogs and have always had dogs. I am good at training them from pups, but have never had to jump into training a 4-year-old with extremely bad habits and manners. Is there a way we can fix this behavior before Buzz tears our family to shreds (literally!)?


And before anybody suggests a behaviorist/trainer, know that we live in Nowhere, Missouri. Dog trainers in MO don't need to have any certifications or anything, and after looking around, there aren't any trainers anywhere near us that would even think about dealing with aggressive dogs. I need advice/tips that I can do on my own or with the help of my husband.

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Lindsey, I feel for you it is hard to come into a relationship and try to take responsibility for a dog that has been a one person dog, and that person isn't you. Also look at it from Buzz's point of view. A person that his owner loves more then him, came to live in his house, and brought an other dog. From what you said in the post, are they sharing a crate? If so I would get them separate crates as soon as possible. He should have a place he can go and feel safe. They can come to like each other but it is going to take a lot of work on your part and your husband. I think he will have to be the first person to start the training to show Buzz that it is ok and that you are higher on the totem pole than he is. Right now your husband should be number one but it doesn't really sound like it is. I think Buzz is. I really like this trainer
she may help if you start to try training some basic behaviors. I think Buzz is mostly scared and is lashing out. Other people on this site like. Nothing in life is free. Google it and read it.
I hope you have success.
Google Nothing In Life Is Free and begin it immediately! Your husband has to do it too. It will work but consistency is key. Also, make sure Buzz has at minimum of at least 2 half hour walks a day. As for aggression towards the other dog you can attach a leash to Buzz and let him either follow you around during the day or let him drag it so you can catch him fast. I would also take the time to practice easy tricks (like shake) with a small treat at least once a day. It will help you build a relationship with him that is positive. Be careful not to do any harsh physical punishments because it may just escalate his aggression. Time outs in a closed off room are ok. There are some videos on this web site of Cesar and Victoria S that may also help. Good luck with him it will be worth the trouble!
They used to share a crate, but do not any longer. Let me clarify, when I first moved in about a year ago, Buzz and my pug got along pretty well. It took him awhile to get used to her being in his territory, but eventually they became friends (though he still lashed out on her around food and toys). Then in November of last year, my pug gave birth to Buzz's pups (a very odd combination, but adorable!). Since then, he has gone way down hill. We kept their puppy and he HATED her. He'd attack her, growl at her, chase her away from the food bowl, and on many occasions he actually grabbed hold of her and shook her. We thought it was just too overwhelming for him having one of the pups living with us, so we gave her to my parents. He was doing pretty well for awhile after she left, but then he started lashing out again after about a month. Some days Buzz is sweet and lovable, and others he goes out of his way to attack the other pets and the people of the household. His crate is where he goes to hide from everybody. If he's done something bad, like stealing a cookie off the table, he'll take it in his crate, hide it under his bed and then growl or bite you when you come close. My husband said he had no problems with Buzz before we started living together (partially, I think, is because he wasn't home with Buzz much). I think a lot of Buzz's problems are due to the fact that he never really had an alpha in the house. My husband is in the military and has had to leave Buzz with family members during several deployments, so he never really got the training and socialization during his puppyhood that dogs need. I think Buzz is confused on who is the boss and needs someone to teach him, but it seems the more we work with him the worse it gets (I've been trying the Nothing in Life is Free training). For example, last night I was working with him and since he LOVES fetch, I was making him sit and calm down before I would throw his toy. Then he decided that he didn't like the way things were going and he hiked his leg on me. :(
Sounds like I just need to keep up with the Nothing in Life is Free training. Thanks to both of you for your input!

Are both the dogs spayed or neutered now? If not that would be my first move. Certainly it will not solve everything but it may help, especially with the leg lifting. Definitely keep up with the NILF training, both you and your husband need to be 100% consistent with it. Make him do something for you EVERY time he wants something. A treat, a toy, a walk, etc. If he's aggressive over his food I would start hand feeding him. And exercise! Like Bev said at least two half hour walks a day.


As far as the sneezing thing goes, I guess what I would probably try is every time he snaps at you I would give a stern NO, and put him on a time out either in an xpen or another room. Leave his leash on him if he tries to run away so he's easier to grab.

He is neutered, the pug is not yet spayed but will be soon. I think the biggest obstacle with the training is going to get my husband to do what I tell him! :P He always feels bad for Buzz when Buzz doesn't get his way which is part of why Buzz doesn't respect me. I'll tell Buzz one thing and my husband will tell him differently. So, step 1- Train the husband, Step 2- train the Buzz!



I also live in rural Missouri.  If you feel like you need help "Bark Busters" will come to you.  I live an hour from where our trainer comes from (Springfield) and he goes up to Waynesville and all the way south of Joplin.  There are several other Bark Busters trainers around the state and they split up the territory.


We got Bear as a year old dog with a lot of bad habits and have been working with our trainer since January.  We've had a lot of success with Bear since we started.  The fee seems steep when you first look at it.  However, they come to you as many time as you need them to for life for one set fee.


Hope this helps.


Here is a list of recognized AKC CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Evaluators.  That is your best shot of finding a reputable dog trainer.  Many CGC Evaluators are actually pretty decent dog trainers. I know the one back in my hometown was wonderful.  The program has some accountability through AKC and not just anybody can make the claim.


You'll have to select Missouri and I can't remember about the rest of the towns but I did see one in St. Roberts which I know is near the Fort.  I lived in West Plains for a long time and now just live a few hours west in Kansas.

Lindsey, I also wanted to mention to you that many corgis , in the absence of a clear leader, will take over. It is very stressful for them and not healthy for anyone. This is a working breed that was used to tell a 2 ton cow what to do and keep pests out of the garden. Uncontrolled, this will be a little tyrant! In the right environment it is a wonderful and fun companion. It is great that you realize that Buzz needs training and a better idea of where he stands. You can suggest to your hubby that he has to be on board if he wants to keep his dog. Your intervention and persistence hopefully will allow you to gain an incredibly loving and funny dog. Be sure to do some training that includes tricks because his mind needs to be occupied too. Everyone here in this forum is pulling for you and Buzz and will be anxious to hear about your adventures!


Take heart!  You already have good advice about NIFL, Cesar, and Victoria  It's amazing that you don't need to hire a  trainer, but you have to train yourself,  and you have to be consistent.  We almost put our Corgi down recently because we thought his biting was incurable. He bit my husband and son earlier this year - he thought his job was protecting me!   He thought he was in charge.  Not sure we are 100% over it, but a collar with internal prongs (looks medieval) gets Wafl's attention. He's a big Corgi (37 lbs) and  is too strong for a regular choke collar, and he's too stubborn for anything less.  I rarely have to pull hard on it, but since we started training with this collar, and some other reminders - like he has to sit and wait before we go in or out ANY door -  things definitely improved for all of us.     We are still working with him, and sometimes just put him out of the room (gently) if we are too lazy to deal with a possible "hostage situation"!  Who knew it would be this much work to train a smart dog???  Good luck!


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