Lola and Paige
  • Female
  • Bayfield, WI
  • United States
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  • Caitlin Randolph
  • Emily & Daisy
  • Brooke Busteed
  • Sarah Dunham
  • Kelsey Fuhrman
  • Norine Olson
  • N a t h a n    &     L u f f y
  • Tara Ludwig
  • Zigward & Kimberly
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • Anna Morelli

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Lola and Paige's Discussions

Shaking in the wee hour.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Anna Morelli Dec 27, 2013. 29 Replies

As per request I am converting my blog into a discussion. I haven't done this before so I hope I'm doing this right, or at least it makes sense.These past couple of weeks I noticed some strange…Continue


Lola and Paige's Page

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Lola and Paige updated their profile
Jan 24, 2024

Profile Information

About Me:
It has been one crazy adventure since I started my account on this site! My veterinarian plans didn't work out but I am currently enrolled at Ashford University where I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Lola and I have moved five times since I last used this site and we are now in our permanent home that I bought with my husband (oh yeah, I got married just over a year ago). Also is not alone anymore! My husband and I purchase a little brother for her in the summer of 2015 and they have become inseparable!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Lola is still my best girl and we enjoy plenty of long walks and rough housing! She is the calmest and smartest dog that I've owned so she definitely makes things a breeze for me! However, I've learned just how different corgis can be from one another! Lola's brother Watson (he's not really her brother we just call him that) has the opposite personally and very much resembles the energizer bunny not just with his nonstop energy, but his giant ears as well. Lola is my calm demeanored ginger with a tail while Watson is my sassy tricolor with the adorable corgi nub! I love both my furbabies and they definitely keep me on my toes!

Unfortunately I can’t bring myself to delete what I’ve previously typed as Lola was and will always be my best girl, but unfortunately Lola became unexpectedly sick from cancer and we had to make the difficult decision to let her cross the rainbow bridge on 1/23/24..
I have:

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Lola and Paige's Blog

Lots of shakes and not enough Z's

Posted on December 7, 2013 at 10:50pm 48 Comments

I have started to notice a problem with Lola's bed time habits. Now she sleeps in bed with me mainly because I have a big enough bed, love her company, and don't mind my own personal space heater at night. However, lately I have been waking up to a strange sensation every morning at about 5:45-6:00. Now, in my half asleep state I realize that Lola is wide awake shaking like crazy, like she's terrified of something. She shakes so hard, and so far I just can't get her to stop.

I'm worried… Continue

Wow! Time sure does fly!

Posted on March 10, 2013 at 11:01am 1 Comment

I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Lola and also to all of her litter mates! These past 10 months went by so fast! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Chow Hound Without an Appetite

Posted on February 26, 2013 at 11:33am 17 Comments

My Corgi Lola tends to act like a chow hound by making sure to eat all of her food in one sitting and even lick all of the crumbs out of the bowl.  However, this past week she has been barely touching her food, won't eat it all in one sitting, and spills her water all over the place.  Normally we can't do anything to get her away from her dish until everything is gone but now we can't seem to do anything to get her to go to her dish in the first place...  Since we live over an hour from the…


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At 11:24pm on March 10, 2014, Jane Christensen gave Lola and Paige a gift
At 12:36am on December 14, 2013, Anna Morelli said…

Thank you for your friend request, I hope you soon have the information you need to both help Lola feel better and to get some good sleep :-)

At 8:50pm on November 30, 2013, Brooke Busteed said…
Aww I thought this site was gone. Billy is the strangest yet most amazing dog in the world. Smartest dog I've ever met.
At 9:35pm on July 06, 2013, Jane Christensen gave Lola and Paige a gift
Happy Birthday to you!
At 12:30pm on April 20, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Hey....remember were from Minnesota and snow is the norm around here, what isn't is that we have had 18" in the last week and usually by April the snow is gone so Peyton is "used to it"

At 10:17am on April 20, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Whatever it was either real or imaginary...she was protecting "her person"

At 9:36am on April 20, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

She was warning you that something wasn't's ok to listen to that. Whether real or imaginary...but to her it was real!

At 10:38pm on April 14, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

The other Corgi is Bella. I just retired her...she's my best momma and is the sweetest corgi EVER!

At 8:43am on March 6, 2013, Jane Christensen said…

Is Lola doing better?

At 2:39pm on September 7, 2012, Brooke Busteed said…
He is doing really good. He is recovered from all his sickness FINALLY and is super smart. He is having poop eating issues so bad we dread our walks but other than that he learns so fast. Showing some aggression over paper or of course his bully sticks, we've had a few fights with the same dog but that dog has issues which causes tension. We get to start classes in a week so hopefully they can teach him stuff I already haven't.

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