Our 7 week old Pembroke Jase (JJ) is chewing on EVERYTHING; and I do mean everything. He chews on his toys, and he chews on shoes, chair legs, table legs, laundry baskets, bags... even found him attempting to chew on the bricks around our fireplace. 0_o

I know it is due to the fact that his teeth are still coming in, and he's chewing to soothe the soreness. So,I bought him several of the Nylabone brand chew toys designs for puppies, even ones that are flavored, and he'll chew on them momentarily and go back to something else he isn't allowed to chew on.My question is what chew-stoping aids has anyone used that have been successful? Also, how do I get him to actually chew on his toys?

I remember going through this with our previous Corgi but not until 6mos when she was getting her adult teeth. I'd really like to get him in the habit of chewing on his toys before his adult teeth come in and he really starts to destroy things. Help!!

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Well, based on your previous post he was taken from his litter at 5 weeks of age, which is INCREDIBLY too early and he lost of a lot of priceless learning that puppies go through. Among them is the basics of bite/chew inhibition. Puppies learn very quickly to not chew on inappropriate items when they are exploring the world with their mouths, thanks to their littermates and mama being unafraid to "correct" the behaviour immediately.

Since it appears your puppy lost out on this, it is up to you to be incredibly diligent in giving him something else to chew as soon as you see him go for an alternative surface. Keep cycling through different toys to see what he likes best - trying one brand isn't nearly enough!

We did get him two days after he was 6 weeks old, after he got his first round of shots. I'll have to take him to the pet store to see if he'll pick out some toys.

Not safe to take a 7 wk. puppy to any pet store, his puppy shots do not yet give full protection, especially in that environment where so many dogs go.

Oh Good to know! Thank you! We haven't had a puppy this young before...

Elk antlers saved a lot of my furniture and shoes.  Fauna likes the whole antlers and the splits.  I try to get a variety of chew toys around, nylabones, kongs, etc., so she didn't get bored with her toys, and it's worked pretty well.  But like others have said, you need to be vigilant about correcting the behavior when you see it.  Crate training is also a great way to help prevent bad behavior when you're not able to watch your dog.

At 7 weeks you have an infant! Very fragile at this age so be extremely careful about any public places especially the vet's office and stores. You really can not allow much freedom at this age. He needs to be watched constantly and should not have access to lots of things he shouldn't be chewing on. He has strong urges to chew due to teething. You can freeze wet rags and give them to him to help but be sure to watch him with them. A Kong with a little cheese inside will encourage him to chew on the right thing and Bitter Apple spray may help save some of your furniture, just redirect him to acceptable objects when ever he gets into the wrong thing.

He's still such a baby that he doesn't need much space to roam in.   Can you use an exercise pen in a corner of the kitchen to keep him contained?  Then only bring him out for short periods at a time to play with him and over the next few weeks gradually increase the amount of space he has.  

We used Bitter Apple when Jack was a pup, and honestly for him it only worked when it was still wet, so a minute or two tops.  It was enough to help get his attention on something better.  He so liked wood that I started giving him cardboard boxes (the plain brown ones, corrugated) to shred and that helped.    

Jack was in the kitchen 95% of the time til he was around 6 or 7 months old; I would let him in the rest of the downstairs for short periods at a time while I was actively playing with him, but he would sometimes piddle if his feet touched carpet and he loved to chew wood.   Puppies really don't need a whole lot of space.  The downside was that I also lived in the kitchen til he was older; I would take a book or something and spend the rest of my time playing with him.  It wasn't ideal but it passes quickly.   We had a brand new house and I really didn't want all my woodwork gnawed....

I've also just bought a deer antler for Foxy an she loves it.  They aren't cheap but they do last and it gives her an outlet for her chewing and us a break from telling her "no". 

Excellent suggestions already, I second the idea of keeping him closely confined with crate, exercise pen, baby gates, etc.

Our Sky is confined in the laundry room with a baby gate when I can't watch him with 100% attention. I give him Kongs (stuff with moist kibble, dab peanut butter or yogurt over the hole, then freeze) and a Nylabone (which he will chew but not for long.) I will also sit on the floor with him in my lap and let him chew a very thick rolled rawhide chew while I hold it. I watch to make sure he isn't biting off bits of it, because they can cause blockage if swallowed. I inspect and replace all toys frequently.

Another thing he loves to chew is plastic Coke bottles. I remove the label and the plastic ring around the neck. So far these have held up very well and Sky is a power chewer. He loves the sound they make, pushes them around the floor, growls and snarls at them, etc. I crush them slightly to make the shape more grabbable.

Even so, he has briefly chewed the baseboards and the weatherstripping on the bottom of the back door in the laundry room. I made a paste of vinegar and cayenne pepper and smeared it on those spots, and he has left them alone since then.

That is the exact Nylabone we bought for JJ. We keep him pinned in the kitchen with a baby gate when we can't watch him. We make sure he has his kennel, food and water, his pee-pad (which he is so good at using), and some assorted toys to keep him entertained. My husband turns the radio on Oldies for him when we are both gone at work. So far the crate training and being pinned up has gone well. He doesn't whine anymore when we put him in there to do things like clean or when I'm getting ready for work in the morning and my husband is asleep.

I'll have to try out the antlers and the coke bottle thing. Our previous Corgi loved coke bottles so hey, if it ain't broke...! :) Thanks everyone for all the advice and information. I <3 being a part of a community like this.

Oh, Jack LOVED bottles too!  And those big plastic cups you get at ball games, concerts, when you order a super-sized drink, etc.  I'd just take them away as soon as pieces looked like they'd come off.

UPDATE: So tonight I gave Sky a new small Coke bottle and within 5 minutes he had gnawed through the plastic and started chewing off tiny pieces! I had to take it away from him. :(

They must have reformulated the plastic because the other Coke bottles I gave him held up for days without this happening. Either that, or he's developed sharper teeth from all this chewing!

Good reminder to always supervise use of toys. Even Nylabones can break up, apparently.


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