I currently have two male corgi which I totally love and are very very well taken care of, but my question is if I add a female...would the house be different? What kind of changes should I expect or would there be any? Just considering adding another one.

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I think alot would have to do with their personalities and if your males are neutered.I would still spay your female too as that could cause some tension over her later.I have 2 males (1 is neutered) and 4 females ( 2 are spayed). Most of the time they get along fine.Giving each one equal time,training and playing alone and then all together also is important. Feeding and toys should be fine too but you will need to decide how to do this and also letting each have their quite time in there crate if they want it. As you can see I have several and the very few problems we have were quickly fixed! I wouldn't hesitate to do it!
Keep us posted!
Good luck!
My experience is that the female when she matures will rule the roost! Definitely have her spayed and be sure you are in charge of the household. We have three dogs and it seems to be more of an issue with pecking order. Therefore I think it is important to be the leader in your home!
I have 3 pups, 8yr nuet. lab Cody, 2yr nuet. corgi Jordan, and 6 month female unspayed(yet) female Teagen. I agree with Beth it's about pecking order. Teagen's at the bottom and defers to the males so far 100%, Cody will defer to Jordan even though he's older and bigger in the house 100% however Cody is boss outside the house and Jordan defers to him outside the house 100%. when my Shuffle's was alive Cody was boss 100% and when Jordan was a puppy he defered to Cody and Shuffle's 100%. But pups pass on and grow older so the pecking order does and will change so expect that. As long as they all ultimatley defer to you it'll be fine =) I love my little tri-fecta and think you should go for it =)
With two, unless they are very closely matched in age, size, and dominance, I think they usually work things out relatively peacefully. I've not had three but from my understanding, sometimes it goes very well. You can take one out and still have two at home, for example. But they also form more of a "pack" and you need to be absolutely sure you are in charge. Sometimes bad dynamics can develop where two gang up on the third, which can cause much more trouble than two. But there are quite a few people here who have three or more and all goes well.

I just think you need to look at your dogs and your own leadership and imagine different scenarios and see how you can handle it. It's true, as Bev said, that the girls often rule the roost. Even if your boy or boys are dominant, they tend to cave in easier and often let the girl get away with stuff even if they outrank her. In a natural pack, the males and females each have their own rank, somewhat distinct from the other sex's rank. Competing over a female, even if everyone is fixed, could possibly make your more submissive boy decide he's no longer happy being the second fiddle, for example.

Many people handle it well but sometimes it doesn't work so I think it's for each owner to weigh the pros and cons. If you want three dogs, I would say go for it, brush up on your leader role and talk to the person you are getting your new one from about the personalities of your existing dogs so you can get a dog who is a good fit.
Your dogs looked familiar so I checked your profile and I see you made a recent post that your two boys are sometimes fighting.

I would make sure all issues between them are completely and happily resolved before adding a third, personally. Otherwise the problem can just spiral out of control and if the third sides with one of yours over the other and has a two-on-one fight, someone could get seriously injured or, quite honestly, even killed.

Of course you know your dogs better than anyone, so only you can decide. Good luck with your decision!
I have to agree with Beth for the happiness and safety of all dogs the ones you have need to have basic respect and obey you before adding another. How old are you 2? I decided I had to wait and not get a dog this year as Livvy is an adolescent and still needs direction and more classes before I bring a pup into the mix.
I wanted to thank everyone about the advice. I believe that I have the aggestive dog issue resolved...I think Barkley just was a bit confused on the pecking order in the house which left him frustrated and aggressive. Now he seems like he understands where he ranks in the Harmon household. I think that I have decided to wait two or three months to see if the issues are really resolved before I add another one to the house. Thanks everyone.


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