Sorry I have not been following this site much lately. I hope everyone is well. I have been dealing with some health issues that were time consuming but not life-threatening. I have been pretty traumatized by Sully's unexpected death and reading about all your beautiful healthy ones was tough at first. Recently I began looking at various rescue programs and searching again for a corgi, or corgi mix, to adopt. I found one rescue program in New Hampshire that had a corgi mix with a calm, laid-back temperament similar to Sully's. I think he will be suitable as a match for my personality and lifestyle. Like Sully, this guy came from the Bargin Basement or the Island of Misfit Toys. He had kennel cough, heartworm, and vision loss. The vets in the south, where he was pulled from a kill shelter, were able to treat and cure his heartworm and Kennel Cough, but his vision issues, noted by a cloudiness in one eye, are apparently caused by glaucoma. It is supposedly in just one eye but the foster reports him sniffing a lot and bumping into things so I suspect he may actually be legally blind. Though the vet in the south said there was nothing they could do for him, I suspect his condition can and should be treated. I am concerned about the cost of the treatment but also about the best way to help a dog with limited vision adjust to changes. I am planning some simple sound cues, three tongue clicks for example, to let him know when he is in a safe situation and another sound when he may be in danger and should come to me. I really have no idea what to expect, as one never knows with any rescue dog, but I know the adjustment is tough enough under typical circumstances. I do hope to learn some helpful tips from anyone that may have owned and loved a blind dog. Thanks in advance!!

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How wonderful! I hope it all works out. My Teddy has bad eyes (cataracts) but it seems bad in the dark so I have to make sure lights are on outside or in the house if it's dark. I also clap I'm front of him to get him to me. Not quite the same but the dog will be lucky to have you! Good luck and keep us updated! Can't wait to see pics on whoever you choose. I have often thought when mine are gone to adopt an older Corgi who needs a home!
Thanks Jane! The best I can do is to post his profile (below) from the rescue website. I have not met him in person/pet yet. His name as of now is Warren. I think he is coming to New England this weekend, thanks to his amazing foster. So many adoption programs use air or large cargo ground transport to deliver newly adopted dogs. Many of the dogs delivered on the shipping trucks were delivered to their new owners with great enthusiasm on all sides. In my case, Sully defecated and urinated as soon as they tried to take her out of the crate. She was shaking and trying to run from everyone and everything, especially the very noisy transport truck. It was so chaotic. I whispered in Sully's ear and she clung to me from that point on. The transport was very hard on many of the dogs; but I see as a necessary evil. Being delivered by a devoted, loving foster has to be so much better; but I am preparing myself for a tough goodbye between this new guy and his devoted foster. I hope he adjust easily but I know he has been through a lot. I am so lucky to have found this site, and all of its smart, caring corgi owners to help me/us through the rough spots.

He sounds like a sweetheart!  I'm glad that your health issues are better and that you feel it's time to love a new fella.  I have never dealt with a blind dog or cat just deaf ones.  Prayers that all goes well and that you both can begin a new life together.  Please keep us updated!

My MIL had a blind dog and he got along just fine.  At first he could only see in strong light - outdoors mainly, but eventually lost that vision too.  As long as his space was not too large (MIL lives in a small apartment), he learned it and moved around in it with no real issues.  You can't move the furniture around everyday, but otherwise, their nose and ears will guide them.  He was a happy litttle guy. 

He may have some adjustment period as he gets to know his new environment, the sounds and smells, and gets to know your general routine.  He may startle at being touched without an auditory signal that you are nearby.  But it sounds like you are already thinking all that through.  Good luck to you and your new buddy!


He's adorable!!!!! Can't wait to hear more! I swear my rescues "knew" I saved them and they turned out to be great dogs. Teddy makes me smile several times a day...just that little tail wagging and him pawing at my legs for a pet. He was a puppy mill dog and I actually had put him back as I had decided on three but my girlfriend reminded me just yesterday how glad she was that I decided I couldn't leave Teddy there! Hubby was not happy when I brought home 4 as I told him one...maybe 2!

well, I am concerned and a bir dismayed to report that this little dog has some undisclosed behavioral issues. He can be very sweet, but he has also shown a very concerning dark side when I tried to teach him the "sit" command. He snapped at me once and actually bit/mouthed me gently once when I removed the reward because he did not sit. I just met him about 12 hrs ago and I anticipated a rough transition but of course, this behavior has me very concerned. One minute he seems loving and docile, another moment he takes an agressive stance for something as simple as being asked to "sit." I also expect him to wait at the until I exit the door to go outside and give him permission to follow. His refusal to wait seems more intentional than forgetful as he is no doubt aware what the command means. Still, we just keep practicing repeatedly. I want to Be sure I don't encourage any power struggles but the two times he snapped were very concerning. Unfortunately for him, he had to follow Sully who was an amazing and highly gentle animal. This guy does not seem eager to please and he is not motivated by much, aside from cheese. He was with the previous foster since February with no mention of the resourse guarding and aggression that I have seen, but the foster worked full time so he spent many hours in his crate and his outside hours were spent off-leash in a fensed in yard. He is not good at all on the leash. I am sure he got excellent care, but his routine did not seem to include learning basic commands. I know I should try very hard to not expect too much, but I am wondering how concerned I should be about the snapping/nipping. I did not punish him, but I did turn my back to him and he went to his bed. I have not been in that position before so I really need some expert advice. I will also check with an animal behaviorist ASAP about an urgent intervention; but I want to know if this is an issue that might spell serious trouble going forward. As always. thanks!

Hello Holly.  I just read your post, as I am not much on the computer now.  The pup looks adorable.  I think the best way to handle his transition is to just allow him to become comfortable and secure in your home and with you.  The bonding process takes more or less time depending on the individuals involved, but it definitely goes both ways and chances are he has as many concerns about you as you have about him!  I would not be doing any new training, beyond what is strictly necessary, for now.  As you both relax, you will know more about what makes him tick and he will learn about you. From that basis of knowing and trust, you will be able to plan any training you wish to do with him.  I would give it three or four weeks of just loving him and getting him used to your house routines, smells, sounds, etc.  If he has little eyesight, his other senses are probably better developed than average.  A lot of communication between dog and owner is telepathic in nature, but this does not develop until a strong bond forms and enough time elapses.  The fact that he has vision now, even if not much, will allow him to "map" his environment and function well in it so that, if later on his eyesight diminishes, he will already have all that info he can draw on to function.  I am happy you took him in.  You did so well with Sully.... Past success is the best indicator of future success.  Hang in there.

Thanks for your advice everyone. As you noted Anna, he is probably feeling pretty insecure. He seems so much more confident than Sully I may have been expecting too much. One thing in our favor is the fact that I happen to be soft-spoken and I don't speak much when I train dogs. I mainly use body positioning and reassuring words, like a simple, quiet, "good" when the dog does as expected. That worked well with Sully and seems to be perfect for this guy too. He snapped at me and I was concerned but I realized he only did that when he had a really priced treat and I got too close. Working on "leave it" and "take it" has really helped.

Otherwise he is just as mellow and calm as Sully. He is already walking really well on the leash. I think having a fenced yard at the foster home and maybe being off leash in his previous life, which I know nothing about, made the leash confusing. He gets it now and walks beside me easily. I think he is used to people food. The shelter staff and I tried in vain to get the foster to tell us what he ate before because he has trouble digesting dog food. She just said, "He eats everything." Having trouble with loose stools and constipation, but making some headway with all the usual remedies. He races to the refrigerator and is very interested in my plates, but not so happy with his. He stopped begging and he is eating his food more readily, but he is pretty thin. Good to have such simple issues. He is really sweet and kind of funny. I feel bad that he had to follow Sully because everyone, including me, I'm afraid finds it hard not to compare. One of my neighbor's said he really likes this guy but at one point he said he would do anything to have Sully back. Another said they broke the mold when they made Sully. I have to agree and I feel bad that poor Mr. Magoo had to follow that. He will find a way to fit in though. I wish I knew what he was mixed with. He has such an interesting build. Thanks again all for helping me adjust to my new buddy. Just realized I still have Sully's pic up. I only have one picture of Mr. Magoo. Not sure how to add it to a post. I will have to change it on the profile. He looks similar to Sully in ears and coloring.
Ah, Here is the picture of Mr. Magoo. He tilts his head when you speak to him. Very cute.

Well... I haven't had a dog that went stone blind, but I did have a German shepherd who had pannus:

There are meds that supposedly keep this under control. They're not cheap, but what really runs you into the poorhouse are the twice-a-year visits to an amazingly expensive dog eye specialist, which are needed to renew the prescriptions for this ailment. There was no proof, as far as I could tell, that the stuff made much difference: but I'm neither a scientist nor a veterinarian.

People say that blindness is not as big a deal for a dog as it is for a human. Dogs don't negotiate the world visually the way primates do. Hearing and smell are MUCH more central to their perception of their surroundings. By and large, Anna the GerShep seemed not to notice. In her dotage, she decided the back bathroom shower was the doggy door and kept trying to exit the house through the shower stall -- especially at night. But that's not much of a deal, and it may have been more a matter of senility than of failing vision. Dogs are not humans: there is no "legally blind" for dogs because they don't have to drive cars. And even at their best, it appears that dog vision is not comparable to a human's: they see fewer colors, and they're more sensitive to motion that we are. LO! Check out this article: it has a corgi as its Dog Representative:  And this one will make you feel even better:


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