Bloody Stool Problems and Food Sensitivity...Anyone Else Experienced This?

Ein's a 22 month old male corgi who seems to be having some food sensitivity issues and I was wondering if anyone else has had this same problem. Basically he's had bouts of soft stool with a little bit of bloody mucus in it off and on over the last year. He started out with serious skin issues as a puppy, including horrible rashes and hot spots, and although the vet suggested it could be environmental, I suspected food allergies and went through about 4 brands before we found something our dogs would actually eat and cleared up Ein's skin, which was Purina Dog Chow (surprised me!). Trial and error has taught us what treats not to give, including rawhide as he swallows it whole just about and that has caused runny and sometimes bloody stools in the past which have always cleared up after a day or two of no treats.

The problem is, lately the bloody stool has gotten worse and doesn't seem to be going away. At the onset of the most recent bout about 3 weeks ago, the vet did a fecal which came up negative, took xrays which showed nothing, and finally did blood work which resulted in a diagnosis of HGE. Ein's symptoms were occasional gelatinous stool with fresh blood in it, or soft formed stool with ribbons of mucus and blood, or just dark gooey stool, lethargy and lack of appetite (no vomiting). We put him on fluids and antibiotics for 48 hours with no food or water during that time, then were instructed to slowly reintroduce the Dog Chow and keep an eye on him. He did fine for about 3 days after treatment, then started having the same symptoms. So we were instructed to switch him to a beef kibble (in case he was allergic to chicken protein). I got Evo's Red Meat Small Bites and he loved it and did great for about a week, then started having the same symptoms again. It's not continuous, but about every 2 or 3 days he seems to lose his appetite and starts having bloody stool again. He's been on the Evo for 2 weeks and I think I need to find something milder and I suspect this red meat diet is just too rich for his system....I'm considering Blue Buffalo Fish and Sweet Potato dry kibble but I'm not sure now as I've read mixed reviews on it.

Any suggestions? I need a food that's readily available here and not too expensive. Ideally, I'd like to put both our dogs on it so I don't have to worry if Ein sneaks over and grabs a bite of Kiba's food. Besides, although our other dog is very healthy and not had any stool problems, he's not exactly enthused about eating Dog Chow...actually he seems to view it as a last resort.

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Glad he's doing better!
Good to hear that Ein is better. Andy also had the problem sometimes when he felt stressed. Sweet potato seemed to help him too. Good Luck & best wishes!!
As you can tell by reading all my entries about Joey (pemphigus entry above as well) it has been a long and winding road for us....for the first 6 months after adopting Joey I made his food: equal portions of ground turkey and white rice with green beans and bone meal added. I tried several top brands but eventually weaned him onto California Natural chicken and rice formula. Joey had his worst outbreak of bloody stools when I left him for the first time (for a week long Elderhostel). When the system gets out of whack it takes a lot to stabilize it.
PS: You can take pumpkin and freeze it in ice cube tray and use the frozen cubes as needed!
Best of Luck,
john and "little joey"
hihi, we had similar issues with Abalone and apparently the vet said it was a genetic or natural-born bug. Anyway, i recommend you try the Royal Canin Intestinal G130. Every time she gets bowl issues or bloody stool we always let her eat it and mix it with regular food until it all clears up. The aroma is probably even better than regular dog food to them. Hope this helps goodluck!
Reminder: Give him pure Royal Canin Intestinal GI 30 (not G130, typo previous) for at least a week. Until you find no blood at all in his poo more than a week, then mix into the regular food he used to eat by 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 back week by week, let him gets used to the normal diet. I don't suggest that feeding him with Royal Canin Intestinal GI 30 for long term, cos you won't get other remedies if he bloods again.

If the symptom comes back, give this treatment again.

Thanks for all the above notes. My 11 year old Corgi has been having the no eating/bloody stools off and and for about 4 years now. Have had so many stool samples done, vet says they were normal and that this just happens once in a while. Well these past 5 months its been happening every 2 weeks or so - and last week at the vet he said to change her food to a more "sensitive" diet. I'm wondering if its just the protein - she is getting Chicken Blues Wellness food - I will change to the sensitive formula with fish/sweet potatoe and see how this works.- just reading the note above by Abolone_Chan and I will also look at Royal Canin Instestinal GI 30 (not sure if this is a supplement?) THanks everyone....

Glad to hear Ein is feeling better. Our Peanut(a PWC) has a sensitive tummy. What finally worked for us was Natural Balance Potato and Duck.

Hi Laura - well, I took your advice for my PWC "Dreamer" and just purchased the Natural Balance Potato and Duck - she loves now its just a wait and see. Thanks for your input!!! Thanks! Sue C.

If you are having good luck with the new food Ein is on I wouldn't change it just for "variety".  I don't think they much care.  I say if it ain't broke don't fix it.

Our first dog had this problem. It was exactly as you described with the bloody mucous around/in it. It also had a nasty odor (different than regular dog stool). It was Dx'd as the doggie version of irritable bowel syndrome. We put her on a mix of 1/2 regular kibble and 1/2 low residue kibble (special order from vet-- I think it was Science Diet or IAMs or similar; not the greatest but it did the trick; can't remember how $$$ it was). She just flat out refused to eat 100% special kibble. When she'd not eat breakfast, we knew she would be about to have an episode and we would give no food for a day with only ice chips for liquid, then rice & low fat yogurt for a day or two, then gradually add the kibble mix into it. She'd go for months between bouts. Even too much water would upset her tummy when in the midst of a spell.


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