My 11 month old Corgi loves to chew! To try to prevent him from chewing up the furniture around the house, I buy him chew toys. But there doesn't seem to be a toy out there that can last more then 15 minutes for him. Today I found a really tough rubber toy that he loves. I look away for one minute and the toy looks like it had been dunked in toxic waste! The toy was completely torn apart. Are there any good toys out there that will last my puppy for a long time??

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We went through a lot of toys and stuffed animals. The only toys that we have left are Kongs. Have you tried those? They have the Extreme edition that is supposed to last a little bit longer.
I learned one thing with my Aussie, Sky... There is no such thing as an indestructible toy. I finally gave up searching for one. We do keep th Kongs around, and have had some luck with the Galilao Nylabone, but I don't leave any soft toy, other rubber things, or role out. There are just too many safety hazards when they tear them apart.
People are going to think I work for the company or something, as I recommend this toy all the time, but I say check out the Orka toys from PetStages. Like your Corgi, ours loves to chew- but destroys everything. We bought him the jack (which you can stuff with treats to encourage chewing) and it is the only toy of his to have lasted, and we've had it for months. We love it so much his Christmas present is going to be the ball and rope combo from the line. We know he'll destroy the rope but it will be nice for him to have a ball again- he chewed all of his others and they had to be confiscated.

Here's the link for the website, but you can also order them from Amazon and some pet stores stock them.
I just have to say, I bought the Orka Jack thinking it looked like fun and durable... my dogs had pieces ripped out of it within 5 minutes of me putting it on the ground.

I'm glad it works for you though Potus! I'm sure it would be great if I didn't own destruct-o dogs!
Wow. Potus has gone to town on everything he owns and the Orka is the only one to have withstood it all. And he chews it regularly (and tries to tear pieces out of it). I'm surprised to hear its not as indestructible as I thought, but as Potus can't seem to ruin it we'll stick with it for him.
Potus, Be careful with the rope toys if your pup eats it. A rope toy was the cause of Misty's first of three stomach obstruction surgeries!
He shreds ropes but doesn't actually eat them (he's only ever consumed tiny pieces, shredding and throwing the little bits around the room seem much more fun to him)
I agree- go with orka. These are great toys that offer a little variety. Longs are also great options but since you have a real chewer, I'd not get the ones with fabric. Took my pups less than 30 min to have the kong free.
Kongs are best. You can put cheese or a little peanut butter in them. Also, they make a series called Air Kong which is yellow like tennis balls that holds up quite a while. They squeak and are a little soft but it even takes our doberman a long time to put a hole in them. They are a little pricey but at least they last more than a week at my house between Sparty and Misty.
Kongs are the best especially with peanut butter in but there are some other rubber toys that are good also. The latex or latex stuffed toys are no good at all. Nyla bones last at my house but they don't like them very well!
I was just thinking of what Kerry wrote and that made me think of a toy I had years ago. it was a plastic water bottle shape with the cover on and about 5 black(?) beans in it and it had a material cover...I don't know if you sew or not but I do remember my dogs loving this toy and you could cover it with canvas or a heavy duty material! I also have a crinkle critters that you can put a bottle in but it won't last nearly as long!
Now, I hear ya on a chewing corgi... pippin can not be left with anything that we do not want chewed on... he even chews the baseboards. We have not yet tried this, but i have some on order, my neighbor is the graphic designer for this company...
she said that the level 4 toys, which include the elephant, monkey, and turtle, are supposed to be durable against "chewers" By the Way, Pippin was the cover boy for the company's toy catalog...
and is in the bedding catalog too.



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