Harlequin came home on Sunday and on Monday she was a good girl, only 1 accident through the whole day... not too bad on her chewing. Yesterday morning she was being bratty but after a good afternoon it seemed to be better, so I took her voting with me! But today... she is a MONSTER!!!!!!! She has now pooped on the floor 3 times today.. and all 3 times after I had taken her out and we walk around for at least 20minutes. She has piddled tiny little piddles on the floor countless times after she has been taken out. Which I have been taking her out every-single-hour! Stilll... tiny piddle puddles on the floor. They usually seem to happen after we get done playing or in mid-play session.
Anything and everything that is not nailed down she is after today... climbing under my futon in my bedroom and chewing on things she should not be! I tell her no and she stops but then goes right back to it, I say no. It takes bout 3-4 no's before she gives up and goes for another thing. I give her all kinds of toys to nibble on... Thankfully a Kong keeps her attention for a good 10-15mins before she goes to another toy and then back to her kong.. it's kind of like a toy ping-pong.
I'm trying to hold myself together and stay strong but after her last pooping on the floor and then turning to try to eat it... I need guidence!

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I would agree with the use of a crate. If you take her out to potty and she doesn't go, put her in her crate for 15 minutes and then try again. If you have a yard, I would take her out on a leash and just stand in one spot and make it really boring until she potties. If she won't poop, sometimes a short walk will get things moving. And yes, always take her out after eating, playing or sleeping.

Really though she is still very young and not used to your home and your schedule. I'd give her some time. Puppies are all going to have LOTS of accidents, it's not anything you're doing wrong.

As far as her eating, I would put the food down for 20 minutes and if she doesn't eat it, pick it back up until the next meal. I know it seems mean but I promise she won't starve herself. :)
One more tip re: potty training. If you catch your puppy in the act, it often works to make a loud noise ("NO!" often works), pick her up and haul her outside as quickly as possible. Provided that your puppy isn't the submissive type (if she is, she'll pee even more, submissive urination), this will often freeze them in the act, and teach them that outside is the appropriate place for it. Good luck!
Today has gone much better! It has been down pouring for most of the day, which I was worried that would hinder today's training.. but it actually didn't! This morning she woke up an hour early... wouldn't go piddle out in the yard, so i brought her back in and put her in the crate... 15mins later she was whining and ready to go try again. It worked! We've only had 2 accidents today, which is worlds better than yesterday.
Since she was a good girl all day long, I took her to Petsmart to pick out some rawhides. Those are really keeping her busy and helping keeping her chewing down on other things that she shouldn't be chewing on.
She also ate all of her lunch and dinner today. I added in some wet food to her dinner and she gobbled it right up!
Good mommy!
Hi Caitlin, your puppy is very young,please don't think of her as a Monster, she is just a baby. I have a 16 week old right now. You have to remember that they don't have control of their bladder at this age. Crating is the best way to go. and to keep her in one area around her crate like the kitchen or somewhere, where you can block off area. Don;t let her have roam of the house at this age. If she pees on carpet she will always smell that spot and think its ok. Be patient the time will come.Keep her in one area, unless its play time with her and you can watch her. Lots of good advice out there.
I got Mr. Spock yesterday, he is 8 weeks old. Just like Harlequin he is piddling all over.He is not pupping much. I will take him to a trainer. He does not sleeps in his crate, he prefers the floor, such a shame since his crate seems very comfy.
I don't have much experience either, but one thing that is helping is that since I have carpet in my apartment, we keep Mr. Spock in the kitchen and he can't go to any other area because of the baby doors that we bought. Maybe that could keep little Harlequin away from trouble.
Today she has very good! Only 1 accident and that was my fault... was playing a video game when she woke up from a nap :( my bad...

Harlequin is kept in my bedroom since I'm not in college right now, I'm home ALL THE TIME. lol no life besides my puppy! She follows me around the house and the only time she gets full run is when we are downstairs together and I am making breakfast, lunch, or my mom is home from work and they are playing together. We live in a townhouse so I can hear her and usually she stays close by to me unless it is time to torture the cats.

Right now we are working on that her crate is a safe place to be and there is no reason to cry in there. She has her kong, a rawhide, a couple chew toys, a stuffed doggie, and a sock that smells like her mommy and litter mates, plus her baby blankets! At night she doesn't make a fuss when it is time to go into her crate, she just goes right back to sleep. But in the morning, when it is time to go back to bed.. after a good meal and a romp around the house of course.. she will cry. Today while she was crying I left the bedroom until she stopped.. that seemed to work.

Tomorrow is her first vet visit! Should be fun :D
I am glad she only had one, Mr. Spock had several :( but he know that he has to use the newspaper. Caitlin, would you mind telling me how is your technique with the crate training? Mr. Spock, does not sleep in, he prefers the floor, but I want him to sleep in the crate.
Thank you.
well I just kind of stick her in there with some toys and kong and then wait out her crying.. I've been covering the front part of the crate with a blanket so it is a bit dark in there and they seems to help with the crying just a bit.. she calms down quicker.

So just kind of stick him into his crate and wait out his crying.. he'll stop when he realizes it's okay to be in there and he'll go to sleep at one point. I don't know if that is the right way to do it but it has worked on this end lol
I will do it, but how many times a day?
I do it at night... when i go back to bed in the morning, which is around 9-9:30am, at 2:30-3 when she is ready for a nap, while I eat dinner.. cause she is hard to keep an eye on when i'm grubbin down.. and then again when i go to bed
Thanks for your advise. He is learning so many things, I forced him into his crate today, and he cried a lot, but I left him in.


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