Our newest furry member of the family (Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy) arrived to us from the breeder extremely sick with roundworm, stomach bacteria and chronic vomit attacks. Poor little thing!  :(

I created a website to caution others. Be sure it is from a reputable breeder. I was given a 100% health guarantee and upon accepting her offer, she did not follow through. I am not only out hundreds of dollars on this poor little Corgi puppy ... but also at $500 in vet bills, medication and bland diet food. We are hoping she pulls through. Send us warm, fuzzy thoughts!!


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Oh, no. I'm so sorry that this happened to you.

I don't understand how people can be so dishonest and uncaring.

Warm fuzzy thoughts on the way from me though.

I hope she's okay.

Was the guarantee in a contract or displayed anywhere publicly?  Maybe you could sue.  (Not that you need any more stress, but bad breeders need to feel the consequences of their actions or they will continue to be bad breeders!)

So sorry. If you have the contract things should be spelt out very clearly in it. Good luck...she should be responsible.

I'm very sorry this happened to your poor puppy. In my experience though, usually health guarantees only cover genetic things like hip or elbow dysplasia, Von Wildebrand's disease, etc.

My contract specifically says they have been wormed, shots and I have updated the new owner on the immunity level with their shots which is very little at 10 weeks.

I also agree with Melissa about notifying animal control...it sounds like she has people working for her??? That's scary if she has that many dogs!

Oh yes of course the pups should be vaccinated and wormed. I'm just saying things like worms, coccidia, giardia, etc aren't generally covered under a health guarantee. If it was something like megaesophagus causing the vomiting, that I could see being covered. I don't think I've seen many breeders that will actually refund your money though, usually it's a replacement pup.

You are right Jane BUT if it' would be something like this for me(which it won't) but something else that is minor I would have to be notified immediately and I can also chose and talk with the vet, the call to me would need to be made before the $$$$ was spent or a replacement pup(I don't mean worming but something costing alot of $$$$). An example for me was when I got Livvy and took her in before 48 hours the vet found a hernia...for that I could have returned her BUT I decided to keep her.

While that is true, generally I would hope they would follow through if the pup came sick. 

When we took Jack to the vet he tested positive for coccidia which of course is very common in stressed pups (since it's impossible to eradicate in adults).   He was not ill but did test positive in the fecal.

I called the breeder to tell her because of course if one has it they all probably do and I just wanted her to know.  Anyway she insisted on paying for the medication (which was absurd because it was $4).  I declined her offer but she was pretty adamant.  

So while the health guarantee covers genetic stuff, I think most will pay for vet care if the pup arrived with a disease or parasite or something.

Sorry to hear about your puppy. I hope it pulls through. As others have said, do you have a contract in writing signed by the breeder and/or you? Or was it displayed on a public website? I think you should contact possibly animal control first and foremost and report her, if she sold you one sick puppy wonder what the state of her other dogs is. Also, consider talking to your vet and seeing if they know what possible options you have as far as getting the breeder to follow up with the contract. Bad breeders will continue to breed unless they are punished for the things they do. Frank's breeder provided a 100% health guarantee from genetic disorders, but it extended way beyond that when he developed some VERY VERY costly health problems. A year after I got him, she still stood by her puppies and offered me pick of her next litter as sort of an "I'm sorry" for Franklin's issues. His weren't genetic (we don't think since parents and littermates don't have any of the same problems). Maybe even call a small claims lawyer for advice.

hi there, I sure hope everything works out well for you and especially the puppy,i sure hope you have reported this " breeder" to the a spca or some other regulatory body. puppy mills have to end. when I got ben I checked the breeder out, she was registered with the ckc( I am in canada) she had spca approval for her kennels, and references were checked, to anybody reading this post, it should be a lesson... check things out, there are so many awesome breeders out there who really care for the breed,they promote dna diversity (no inbreeding) ,their kennels are clean, well kept,the parents of the pups are available for you to meet( I thought meeting bensons m&d was great we got to see their dispositions), anyway I give you my warm and fuzzy thoughts, everything will be o.k.   blessed..

I wouldn't have the heart to return a sick puppy, but I would at least try to hold the breeder to the health contract and make them pay whatever bills you have.  Hope puppy gets healthy soon


Thank you all for your warm support and helpful recommendations. Unfortunately, there was no paper contract. All the communication was done through email since we loved her sister from a previous litter. We caught the "Obsessive Corgi Disorder" haha. My parents met the breeder in Colorado and picked her up for me. They alerted me that she was vomiting on the ride home. The breeder mentioned how she must have caught the roundworm from eating poop in the pig barn while she was out feeding the animals. So I'm sure it was from unsupervised play time as well as missing the 2nd worming. 

After all the anitbiotics and worming medicine at the vets, we finally tried fasting for 24 hours, cayenne pepper for the stomach mucus she was constantly bringing up and then a gastro intestinal wet dog food. So far she has gone 3 days without the vomiting. Fingers crossed!  =)


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