It would seem that Lyla (9 months) has hit adolescence with full force! I never went through this with Sky, he has always been the picture of obedience, so this is a first for me. I think a lot of it has to do too with the fact that I've been slacking off on Lyla's training while I focus on getting Sky ready to compete in Agility in the Spring. So all in all, I can probably get the basic obedience commands under control with some extra training at home, lots of NILF, and even an adult level obedience class if we need to.

My biggest concern though is house training. Again, Sky was always easy, he has never once had an accident that wasn't somehow my fault, even as a 9 week old puppy. Lyla, on the other, was a bit more of a challenge (although still probably pretty easy compared to some dogs I've known), but I thought I had it all under control. Then, this month, it's like she's forgotten everything! She's had 3 accidents in the past week alone and probably half a dozen total in the last month. I just don't know what to do about this. Is this typical Corgi "teenager" behavior? Do I just go back to crate training basics with her again? When she was smaller I took her out every hour and a half to two hours, but lately I've been letting her roam the house and only taking her out when she asks. Perhaps she's just not ready for that still??

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Jack peed on the Christmas tree when he was 8 months old and that was his last housebreaking accident. :-) It's easy to remember the age because it was, of course, Christmas so it stands out vividly.

At that age we still took him out on a schedule: Out first thing in the morning, out again for a quick pee right before work, penned all day, out at lunch unless the roads were bad, out after work at about 5:30, out again at about 8pm, and then last pee before bed. While Jack was pretty reliable after 7 months (until we brought in the Christmas tree), I did not depend on him asking.
Yes, I have a 15 month old that is still in this stage but the pottying isn't the problem! Livvy thinks that "come" means when she's ready! I have had some of my other corgis start going potty places after they were fully trained though. I would also rule out a bladder infection if she's doing this often and also keep up with the going out more often on a regular schedule.Some dogs are easier than others and it will get better!

Good luck!
Sorry, its not funny, but I know that Corie flips me the bird most of the time when I ask her to 'come'.. yeah, its when she feels like it. It took me 6 mo to get her potty trained (but I blame my husband who was home with her 24/7)
I really don't wait for them to ask to go out. Occasionally I just ask if they want to go out. The girls almost always want to but Sparty likes to hold it for our two walks a day. That would work out to about every 4 hours. It is random and sometimes everyone just looks at me but often they run to the door. I do have a fenced back yard so it makes it easy. I can leave them all day if I am gone but that is rare.
Yes, I used to be able to let my two out for potty and play time, but recently we got a new neighbor with a dog that I really don't like. She stands at the fence and snarls and barks until my two get riled up. I mentioned in another post that all this fence fighting is starting to affect Sky's personality when he's around other dogs, so now I have to let the dogs out separately, so I can keep good control, and tell them to potty and bring them right back in. It is sad they can't play outside anymore thanks to my neighbors being too lazy to teach their dog good manners or even ever take her inside. Maybe that too is contributing to Lyla's accidents... she's rebelling over not being able to play outside anymore, lol.
I don't blame her...I wish people could/would notice they have neighbors and that they and their dogs are being disrespectful! I recently stopped some place to pick up someone and they had a beautiful young shepard and this dog barked and growled the whole time I was there and sounded very mean...I felt so sorry for this dog and wondered what kind of life it would have! Could you set or put a couple pieces of the lattice privacy fence on that side of your yard so that the other dogs can't see as well? Maybe the neighbors would get the "hint"...but they probably won't!!!
that is a shame. I will never understand why so many people don't take responsibility for their pets. She might very well be rebelling to the change. Can you spend some time out there and tell your two NO when they respond to the other dogs poor manners. I have a neighbor (fortunately with a house inbetween) with 4 Chihuahuas, a Min. Pin, and a Pappilion that are out most of the time and any noise sets off their shrill barking. Misty our dobe would respond but after a couple of days of me telling her No and bringing her in she did stop. They are still obnoxious but at least Misty doesn't join them. Ugh!
Bev, we are definitely working on it, but its been some slow going. I have pretty good control over Lyla when she's alone out there, and Sky is getting better, but still not great. Unfortunately, if they both go out, I have no control once they get "fighting" with that other dog. My goal is for them to be able to be outside and ignore the other dog, but I have a feeling it is going to take some time before that happens.

I can't believe leaving little toy dogs like that out all the time. That just doesn't even seem remotely safe for those dogs!
Yeah, you have a more difficult time with the dog right next door! I did mention to the guy last year that I have seen the coyote up here by our houses but he just put in a privacy fence but it doesn't stop their yapping! He probably has over the limit of dogs for our area but since they are a yard away I don't feel comfortable complaining. They do keep them inside in the winter. Good luck!
Finn did this around 9 or 10 months. He had gone months without peeing inside then all of a sudden he was dribbling everywhere. We were taking him out on the same schedule we always did but for some reason he wasn't holding it. This lasted about a week then stopped. He doesn't tell us when he has to go out so we have to keep on schedule. If I ask him if he wants to go outside he will whine but he won't give any indication until I ask.


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