Just curious. Do you clean your corgis paws after each walk?

My corgi is 8 months old and I clean her paws everyday after walk. Because I live in an apartment and got a white couch...

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I don't unless it is muddy out. But I put a sheet on my couch that I wash regularly. Most dirt just comes off so they don't track in that much.
Only if it's wet/muddy out. In the winter I do try to wipe them after each walk because of the road salt. Like Bev, I keep a covering on my couch. I find Corgi coat holds very little dirt.
Nope, unless it's muddy outside. I trim the hair between their paws so that they will bring in less dirt.
Yes, Taiwan can get awfully dusty and rains regularly. So, Yoda gets his paws cleaned everyday after walk. I found wet wipes very useful in this situation. Yoda even lay down on his back to make it easier on himself and me :)
Only if his paw looks dirty or wet. I have wood & tile floor downstairs so it's easy to clean even if they do track a little dirt and the sofas have covers.
I have some micro fiber towels which I use after almost every walk. Corgi's are so low to the ground that they can get very soiled on their 'under carriage'. Fin usually has quite a lot road dirt to clean up after a 3 mile hike. I also buy inexpensive baby wipes and have taught him to lie down while we clean him off. The wipes make him smell sweet too : )
I keep my dogs nails short and trim the hairs that grow between the pads to keep them from tracking dirt into the house. I also will hose paws off and wipe them down when they come in but only if it is wet out and muddy. They know when they enter the side door to sit right there til I tell them to come up or wait for me to lay a towel down and one by one they come up flop down on the towel so I can rub their bellies off and paws. They love it! Some of them refuse to get up or come right back over for the rub down. Such Goofs! If your walking in parking lots or across streets where cars leak oil or any other substances it is an excellent idea to wipe their paws down. They also say to wipe their coats off as well to keep allergens and dust down in your home. On a wet dog take a bounce drier sheet and wipe your dog down to prevent the wet dog smell.
thanks for everyone's reply!

because I live in downtown LA and Pebble will always come home with a grayish paw even after a short walk.
I bought some Huggies wipes (pretty cheap, like $2 for a big box) to clean her paws. I also trim her paw hair.
Yes we dry off and sometimes also clean with a baby wipe after we walk him in the mornings when its wet outside. Most of the time he ends up also licking his paws after too... I always thought it was kinda cat like but very cute and helpful =)
Yes, I clean my corgi Jeter's paws with baby wipes everytime we came back from outside. Jeter wasn't very happy about it before but after 3 months, he kinda gave up protesting. Now when I am ready to clean his paws after walk, he is laying down on his side as if saying "okay.. just finish fast please?" :-) I bought baby wipes from Costco.
We use baby wipes to clean the paws and other parts after walks. If it is really muddy out, we give them a warm paw bath. We don't want them tracking in dirt and germs.
We live in West LA and Spencer get's his paws, privates and tushy wiped after every walk. We live in an apt with a white couch too. And even though i have a sheet covering the couch I like the peace of mind i get from cleaning him. He doesn't mind it anymore, he actually will close his eyes and enjoy the paw massage.


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