This morning Tucker got sick, just a little, and I thought it was due to him getting a late breakfast.  Tonight, just a bit ago Tucker got sick again, he hasn't eaten dinner yet, and by now he usually would have eaten dinner.   When he got sick tonight it was mostly water with traces of food.  He threw up twice and it was watery both times.  I have him gated in the kitchen in case he gets sick again.  Its been about twenty minutes since he got sick.

I am thinking I am going to skip giving him his dinner tonight, I'm not sure though?   Could he possibly have gotten sick again cause dinner wasn't on time.  I'm puzzled about the water though.  Usually if they get sick because of an empty stomach its not usually watery, I don't think, not that I have epxereinced before.  Advice would be appreciated.  Thanks

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anyone have any ideas?

Skip a meal and then resume with some rice and a small amount of boiled meat. Usually that will settle the digestive system down. He could have eaten something that disagreed with him. If he doesn't drink or gets lethargic I would call the vet. Typically they just suggest skipping a couple meals and going with the rice though. An empty stomach could produce watery vomit. Hope he feels better soon!

Thanks for the response  Bev!

so my next question is, if the empty stomach is causing him to vomit, should I feed him then?  I wish I knew...tonight I skipped dinner.  I am thinking of giving him breakfast tommorrow and see how he does, and then go from there?

I know how hard it is to wait Natalie BUT I would wait till morning and then do a little rice and chicken and then wait a couple hours before giving him anything more....sometimes that tummy has to rest.

I agree with Bev. Feel better soon Tucker. I hate it when dogs get sick!

Thanks Jane, me too!!

I wonder if something is going around.  Maddie vomited yesterday evening after her walk.   There was some indigestible stuff in there (tiny bits of rubber from a toy, some sticks, some berries she sometimes eats) so I thought it was upset from that.  I contemplated skipping a meal, but went ahead and fed her and she promptly threw up her dinner.  This morning hubby reported she was reluctant to eat (SO not Maddie; when she came home from her spay that same day she refused to stand up but promptly ate her food, sitting down).    She did eat but then later refused to move on her morning walk.  This afternoon she had some watery diarrhea.

I plan on giving her just half her normal dinner portion with some pumpkin and see how that sits.  Anyway, in all the time I've had her she has thrown up maybe twice (both times bits of a toy she'd eaten), and never had watery poops.  I had heard there was some doggie stomach bug going around and now I wonder if she might have that.   She was lethargic this morning but seems bright and energetic now.

Hope Maddie is feeling well soon!!!  Something must be going around, hopefully our other dogs wont get it!!!

How's Tucker? Livvy vomited this morning too:(

Tucker seems better, fingers crossed.   We ended up skipping dinner last night, and fed him a small breakfast this morning and then a smaller dinner tonight.  So far so good.  I think we will give him a small snack before bed time tonight too, and see how that does. I know it was suggested to feed boiled hamburger and white rice but I thought I would first try skipping a meal and giving small meals after that and see if it worked.  


Hope Livvy is feeling better soon!! 

 Livvy ate breakfast a little later and is fine. I don't reort to the chicken and rice right away either.


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