When we leave in the morning for work, we close the bathroom door and both bedroom doors. Ella has started running under me/hubby's bed in the morning when she knows we are getting ready to leave. This way we can't close the door, and she will get to sleep on the bed while we are gone. Our bed has low clearance to the floor (and she is now an expert at swishing under it) and it is horrible to try and grab her out from underneath the bed. Well we learned to take her outside for her morning potty walk, and just close the door then.
Well now she will do this every time she sees us get ready to leave the house, on those times when she doesn't get to ride along.
So we have started calling the dash under the bed, "Ella's goodbye".

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Silly Ella!!! Those pups really like it under the bed.
Ella is very silly. She definitely does love under the bed, but as she gets older she doesn't fit as well. When we got her she was 8 months old and about 13/14 lbs, she is now 14 months and about 19/20 lbs, and it's getting harder to squeeze under.
Oh yes...they learn human routines fast and then figure out what they can do to get what they want. I swear Wynn has an alarm go off that says "she's getting ready to go" and he will go lay by my car and not want to come in...but then he usually gets to go with if he holds out long enough...If he sees me pack a kennel the night before he also keeps a watchful eye so that he can be the one...he also will load himself (if the door isn't open but the hatchback is he will use this) not only in the car but also in the kennel which he opens with his nose...so he doesn't actually say good-bye but says "I'm going with you"!
Ella loves the car too. It's funny how fast they learn about routines and what they need to do to participate. Mondays and Fridays, Ella goes with me after work to pick up my son from my dad's. Ella waits by the door and once her leash is on she heads right for the car, and knows she is going to see her grandpa and gets to pick her Eric up.
I love how your Wynn invites himself to go, smart dog.
Before I leave, I gather the kongs and put a little cheese in them. So the corgis run into the kitchen and wait for me and the dobe races into her kennel to wait. It sounds like your corgi has taught you what she likes best!
Yes I am a well trained human. She gets her breakfast in the morning, and I've tried to get her in the kitchen for food. However she will just wait to eat if it means she gets to stay under the bed. I have one of those rare corgis that doesn't much care about food. She knows it will be there if she is hungry, so she is in no hurry. Sometimes she won't eat her breakfast until noon or later.
Aw, how silly! That's cute. :)

My dogs are all good at telling when we're going to leave. My border collie curls up in her spot on the couch and looks depressed, and the two corgis try their hardest to sneak out the door and run to the car when I open it. For this reason, my girl corgi Honey has a strange tendency to run up to my car any chance she gets. I'll be taking her for a walk in the yard and she'll take off for the car unexpectedly sometimes. If my car isn't there for some reason, she gets puzzled and goes to stand next to another car. No matter how hard I call, she won't leave the side of the car, and if she goes to the car when I'm not going anywhere or she's not coming with me, she rolls over on her back as I approach her and I have to pick her up and carry her back to the house. My male corgi, Hooch, seems to have caught on to this strategy and sometimes both corgis will sneak out and lie upside-down with their paws in the air next to the car. It's a pretty silly sight.
Oh how funny. They are so cute when they lay like that.


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