Since I'm a newbie to this breed I was wondering what I can do about the shedding. It's unbelieveable! I want to keep her coat natural and not too short. I have brushed her with the shedding tool but don't get much. Also even after two flea treatments she still itches. I just bathed her last week and it didn't help. I would prefer to self groom for cost reasons so what is a good suggestion?


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Do you have a furminator? That works the best and you can get them very cheap online! You still need to brush with a regular brush also. Does she have any sores or red areas from the fleas? I do not know if this works but when you give her her next bath you could try peroxide on her in the tub....just pour it on her. At .98 a bottle it's suppose to kill fleas on contact and is not harsh(no eyes of coarse). She could also have an allergy to fleas. What kind of flea treatment did you use?
really? peroxide? I got peroxide on my hair while trying to clean a cut on my head and BLEACHED MY hair white lol
doesnt it bleach their hair color???
If she has fleas and you are not treating your house they will keep returning. Grooming a corgi should be easy. I give mine a good comb out with a rake and furminator. After they go in the shower with me for a shampoo and a good rinse I towel them off and let them race around the house. During the heavy shedding (a couple times a year) I comp them twice a week and once a week other times. However, I have greatly lowered my standards about hair around the house and on me!
My Hubby swears I've become a furminator fanatic!!He congratulates Me now
everytime I don't mention it to people I meet!!
Also, We've found salmon oil in their kibble helpd with any itchy skin.Does anyone from the old days remember
Linatone for Corgis?Loved that stuff!!
yep hair hair and more hair:) Brush mine every day( comb from Shedding rake to fine comb,,, and spring and late fall I have a couple brown bags a day ( from all four dogs) for the birds in the woods, and neighbors say I should just plug in vaccuum and let it run!!!!!!!
1. Don't bathe a corgi too often (every 2 months or more), and when you do use very mild shampoo, preferrably diluted with water and rinse it off very very well. Like for a few minutes. A lot of times itching comes from shampoo left on the skin.
2. Brush your corgi about once a week, although 5 minutes every day is better. Take her to a groomer every once in a while. It cost me $15 to have Shiro furminated at Petco, I can do that once a month or so. It does make a bog difference because they have the tools and the table and the patience.
3. Do not shave a corgi. It is a common misconception that they feel beter that way in Summer, but actually double coat works against heat too. Having a kiddie pool in the backyard helps with overheating also.
Flea treatments... well if you have fleas you have to treat the house and maybe even the yard then treat the animals, then if you dont have cats advantage once a month. Sometimes you have to repeat treatment of house again after about 3 weeks...:( We dont see many fleas in northern MN:) YEAH!!!!!But we treat for ticks:(
Fur is a fact of life with a corgi. I just accept it. I have 2 corgis, a golden retriever, & 2 cats all in the house. Wood floors are great. The bulk of the fur collects in globs around the perimeter of the room. Without daily intervention, it looks like an animal was skinned in any area with carpet. Leather couches don't collect as much hair as cloth.
OMG Yes , I have 3 corgis, 4 cats and a golden retriever hahahaha and wood floors..And those aliens globs that gather around the perimiters , now with summer/spring and windows open come to life and scamper all about!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHA get a vaccuum with a long hose and park it somewhere !LOLOL
I just spent near 20.00 taking comforters to the laundromat ( as they dont fit in my washer, cos they were "brown" from furballs who insist on sleeping on my bed hahahahahaha. In our house the flat sheet goes ON TOP of the quilt!
That sounds like my house with three cats and two shedding dogs! I appreciate all the advice. So who can tell me where to. Get this furminator lol!??
I got mine online at amazon for about $13.99 at the vet they are around $50. Are the fleas gone? If not try a bath with peroxide's suppose to kill them on contact as you pour it on! If you use it please let me know of it worked...I have never tried it! Thanks!
Don't fight won't win. I furm once a week. Cinny has just started really liking it, and Nutty LOVES it. I use my leaf blower once a week in thouse. Open front door, and the back double doors, and just let it fly! It's pretty funny to see all the fluffs flying out the back door. Helps to clean out under the couches! Masking tape and the couches, and LOTS of dryer runs. I also have to go on the roof to clean out the dryer vent once a month, it gets clogged with all of he hair. Don't ever shave. I did it once and regretted it.


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