Hi all
Poor little Fortie's had a rough week. He's spent two nights at the veterinary hospital because of an issue with his stomach. One week ago (Friday) I found that he'd chewed through part of his harness and I couldn't find the missing bit. On Sunday we think he ate some food that was off. On Sunday afternoon he started vomiting. We took him to the vet on Monday and he prescribed some meds but Fortie still kept vomiting. On Tuesday the vet said he felt something wrong, like there could be an obstruction and we remembered the harness. Anyway, Fortie went in for tests and stayed at the vet hospital. There was an inflammation but they couldn't see anything (ie the harness piece!) and he came back to us today (Friday again!) but he won't really eat or drink. The vets said he should eat his normal food but he's not interested.
Prior to this happening, Fortie was being fussy with his food. He loves his treats but he'd stopped eating his normal dried food and we either had to mix it or add a little something extra like meat or milk etc to get him to eat it. Today we made him some chicken and rice after trying all sorts of combinations with his dried food and he ate the chicken bits but not too much.
Can anyone suggest other things to feed him? Maybe some minced beef, boiled? Anything else?
Also, I'd tried giving him some ice cos he loves playing with it and I thought he'd at least get some water that way but the vet told me off for giving him something so cold!! Ekk!
Ahh advice would be good please as he's not been eating much for five days now : (
Thank you.
I would stick to boiled chicken and offer it with a bit of the broth in three or four small meals. If his appetite goes up, I would add some overcooked rice then work my way up from there. He will not need to drink as much as when he eats dry kibble. If there is no blockage, the Vet should be able to give you something for gastritis to soothe the stomach. Best wishes.
I know all to well the frustration with this. A couple years ago Bella was throwing up(no blockage) and came home the same day. She was on several different meds and even injections...some that told her brain not to throw up, antacids and more. This seemed to even make it worse so I took her off of everything and slowly she started eating a bit but not enough. I switched her to TOTW because I could give her a single protein(per vets suggestion). I still feed her 3 meals a day and add about a 1/3 cup of warm water each time. I don't believe Bella gets enough water and it this way she gets it with her food and makes the food a bit more appealing. If he starts with the chicken and rice then slowly start mixing it with kibble so he gets what he needs. Good luck!
Oh dear.
Well, when my ancient German shepherd was ailing in her dotage, I discovered that chicken soup works like Jewish penicillin for dogs as well as for humans. The thing is, it has to be REAL chicken soup, NOT the stuff that comes out of a can, because canned chicken broth contains onion and salt. A lot of salt.
Mercifully, there's an easy and inexpensive way to make real broth that dogs love. Get a package of bone-in chicken thighs -- these go on sale off and on at good prices. Don't use chicken legs, because they have a lot of nuisancey and sharp bones and sinews; chicken THIGHS have only one bone that's easy to remove when the meat is cooked.
Toss the thighs into a pan; pour any juice from the package into the pan, too. Cover with water. Bring to a slow boil and then turn the heat down to medium-low. Allow to simmer until the meat is cooked through -- 45 minutes or so. Remove the meat. Cool the broth to room temperature or slightly above (some dogs like food that is warm -- but not hot, of course). Serve this up in a doggy bowl.
Remove the bones from the meat. As the pooch starts to feel more like eating, you can serve this to him with a little cooked white rice or cooked oatmeal. Keep it bland.
If there's no blockage, chances are the dog has digested the piece of harness. Said GerShep ate some bizarre things in her lifetime. At one point a vet told me that dogs have very powerful digestive juices that actually will dissolve things that would do the job on you or me if we swallowed them.
Is your pup feeling any better now? I hope so!
Did they image Fortie with ultrasound, or just X-ray? Our Betsy stopped eating suddenly one day last summer (she was also throwing up stomach acid/bile) and we took her to our vet. The vet performed an X-ray but it showed nothing unusual. She had no other symptoms of a blockage (e.g., her stomach wasn't the least bit tender or distended and she was still pooping). After 5 days of vet visits, IV fluids, etc., we took her to the Vet Specialist where they performed an ultrasound. She had an intestinal blockage caused by a whole avocado pit that she had swallowed several weeks earlier when she scarfed down a small avocado that had slipped off the counter while being cut. It had taken all that time before the pit decided to leave her stomach and try to move on down her digestive tract. I wish you the best of luck with poor Fortie and hope he gets better soon. It's scary when a corgi doesn't want to eat!
Thanks for all your help everyone!
Fortie seems to be back to himself now...I hope. Elisabeth -- it is scary that he won't eat! He's a Corgi! He's not supposed to stop! He actually ate everything today, after a slow start, and he wanted more. I think he's a bit fussy and doesn't like the food the breeder recommended, so we bought him another type. He's been wanting treats and extra tasty things just not his normal food! Vicky -- we made the chicken/beef and rice for a few days but hopefully he'll start eating normally now.
He had an x-ray and an ultrasound (I think it was - they call them by different names in France!). He was on meds till Tuesday and the vet said that if he wasn't better they'd do an endoscopy! Ekk So I hope he's all better now!
Oh, I'm so glad to hear he is feeling better and starting to eat again! I hope he get all better soon and doesn't have to return to the vet.
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