Our breeder gave us one applicaiton of Frontline that I applied.  It is coming time for another application and I think I have some choices to make.  I asked the vet if we should continue, and he said "if you want to".  I wasn't given a prescription for anything and was told I can buy it OTC.  At that point, I considered switching from Frontline to K9 Advantix, but haven't purchased yet.  Now I'm thinking about Heartworm/Parasite prevention - he didn't say anything about it.  Is it advised to get one of the "all-in-one" type topical monthly treatments that would cover everything?  What do you use?

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i use k9 advantix and i truly do swear by it. i have never seen a flea and the mosquitoes fly next to him but then dart off as if they are drunk lol as for heart worm i use iveheart. it protects against heart worms and dewormers them for m a lot of the nasty parasites. u dont really need an all in one as some dont work as well.
Thanks Rebecca. Good to hear that the k9 advantix is working well. I think I'll just go with that for now and then ask the vet about the heartworm preventive when we go back at the end of this month. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was Revolution that we used on our last dog...but I can't remember for sure. I thougt the vet would tell us about the heartworm preventive if we REALLY need it (which it seems it is pretty important?!)...I dunno! I live in the city, no wildlife to worry about, no fleas to speak of, or ticks...but we do have some mosquitos on occasion. I just want to make sure we are doing everything we should be doing...
your welcome:) even living in a city though its good to keep the nasty critters away because once u get fleas its extremely hard to get rid of them. plus my vet said not only mosquitoes carry heart worm but fleas do too. sometimes it seems like the vets have so much that they forget to mention some things lol so i always make a list of questions i want to ask them so i know i ask them everything when i go. i would start the HW preventive when your vet says its safe to do. mine told me me i could at 14weeks but i would go with what your vet says. but i do have to say that all the vets in SC(where i use to live) do not recommend revolution for dogs. its dosnt seem to get in there system as well and dosnt work properly as it does on cats.dogs get immune to it after a few months. so in SC no one in north Charleston carries it because its basically worthless they say and long with promeris. please do not buy promeris as it has killed a ton of dogs. the chemicals are terrible and its banded in my old area. over 300 dogs and cats were in emergency care because of it. i really dont mean to scare u but i just want to give u a heads up as your girl sure is a cutie!! if u need or have any more questions feel free to ask:)
Great info! Thanks again! Our vet is great and I'm sure he'll keep us on the right track. I didn't even think to ask about the heartworm preventive when we were there yesterday...Honestly, it is just from researching and reading here that it dawned on me... Believe me, I already had a list of other things that I wanted to remember to ask! I can't survive without my lists! The Revolution we used was from a different vet quite some time ago...I asked our now vet about continuing with the Frontline that the breeder provided or switching to K9 Advantix (as I've read and heard lots of good things about it--what really caught my attention was that it helps with mosquitos and biting flies -- our last dog had a HORRIBLE time with biting flies. Isabella lives indoors, so I'm sure this won't be a problem...). Anyway, he said either of my choices were fine. We'll start the heartworm preventive when/if our vet says it is time. I just ordered the K9 Advantix from Drs. Foster and Smith -- what a great price! Had to pick up a brush and some yummy treats, too. :o)
I give mine Proheart or another heartworm chewable tablet every month. But for flea/ticks I've stopped Advantix and Frontline and started using this garlic powder/brewer's yeast combo powder that I get from the holistic vet. I always had issues putting the poisons on their skin -- stuff that I didn't want touching my skin at all -- and after a couple of years, I kept finding ticks on them anyway. (I live in a very high tick area, so lyme and other tick diseases are epidemic up here, and taken really seriously.) The vet mentioned this powder which I mix into their meals morning and night, and I have not found a single tick on them this year at all. Plus, it smells like a tasty soup! although they do have garlicky breath afterwards for a bit. It's called Internal Powder for Dogs, I'm sure there are others out there. Just as an alternative -- don't know how bad fleas/ticks are where you are. It's available in lots of places, here is the manufacturer's website.
Thanks Susan. Fleas and ticks are not really a concern where I live, but want to have her protected for wherever we might go...That's interesting about the garlic powder/brewer's yeast.
I have a lot of success with Frontline. Advantage did not work on my dogs in my area, each area the fleas are a bit different. Comfortis works GREAT for fleas but does nothing for ticks. The vets I used to work for did not recommend an all in one type product because they believed one product trying to cover so many parasites doesn't work as effectively as using a flea supply and heartworm that are seperate. I've used interceptor and frontline. My parents use heartgaurd and frontline. Both work great.
I use Frontline Plus and Heartgard and have been very happy with both. If you have cats I would not recommend switching to K9 Advantix as I believe it's very toxic to them.

In some very low risk areas some vets may not push for a heartworm preventative, but to me the small cost isn't worth the risk. You will need a prescription for it though I believe.
Thanks, Jane. Maybe that's why our vet didn't suggest the heartworm preventive. I'll double check, though.

I did read that cats can not metabolize the K9 Advantix, so cat and dog should be separated for an hour until it dries. At this point, the cat won't get close enough to Isabella for longer than a split second---and that's only if Isabella gets to her first!
Hey everyone! When I lived in Las Vegas there was no mention by any vet I ever saw regarding flea/tick or heartworm stuff. I think it does go along with the area, it was very dry there so it wasn't a problem. I just moved to MN and it's a completely other story. I've been using k9 advantix and it's been working. I went to the vet and he explained all of the heartworm info and a lepto vaccine as well. If your area isn't prone to it, I wouldn't worry too much. Good luck with everything.
I use Frontline but we don't have many problems here. I only use if we do have an outbreak as I don't like all the chemicals. I use Iverguard for heartworm and use the one with wormer about every other month just because again I try to use as little as possible:)
I use garlic additive to his food to keep fleas away, and he gets one Interceptor tab for HW every 7weeks! seems to be working great.


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