I really need some ideas to keep teddy tired/busy. I have never had a job before so I have alway been able to keep teddy tired by just going for relaxing strolls around the neighborhood and on the river to play fetch and he has lots of kong toys. So now that I am gone 6hours a day he gets depressed and worked up because now I don't have much time to tire him out. I have about 30mins to do it in the morning and I know that isn't enough time bt as soon as I get home I'm super tired from all the training that petco is putting me through since I want to be a dog trainer and also taking care of all the animals there. He has a tug a jug and I also give him busy bones bt those don't last long at all. What do u do to tire out ur corgi before work? I feel so bad since he's full of energy and I am so tired

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Take him to work at Petsmart?
Once I become an experienced trainer I can take him bt right now its not possible:(
I would suggest a good walk (30 to 45 min) before you go to work and a kong with a little kibble and peanut butter frozen so it takes longer. Even though you are tired when you get home he needs another walk. He is too young to expect him to sleep all day right now. Good luck with your new job!
Thank you:) I agree he is too younf to sleep all day. I usualy do freeze peanutbutter for him and then give him a busy bone bt I am afraid he will get tired of those fast. I usualy take him to an enclosed fenced area and playball/run with him there but even after 45mins he still wants keep playing
Does he like to play ball???  This satisfies Livvy for a long period of time...if you could walk him and then even play fetch for 5 minutes of really running he might be ready for some R&R.
He likes fetch but he likes tug of war more and once u start that it never ends lol there is an enclosed feild I take him to and run and play fetch there but even after 45mins he still isn't tired
Sounds like my Livvy...even if I know she is tired....she keeps on going...the energizer corgi:) I bet if you do that when you leave he takes a nice long nap:)
Franklin will go all day if you let him, this doesn't mean he's not tired though. My situation is a bit different, but for his first 1 1/2 years I was able to take him with me to work. Now I'm in school and can be gone up to 6 or 7 hours. I have been lucky enough to have a break in the middle of the day, so in the morning I take him on a short wallk, just to do his business, then feed him in a tug-a-jug and omega treat ball (you can also put part of his breakfast in a kong with frozen peanut butter). This keeps him somewhat busy for at least a little bit. Then I come home on my break and take him for an hour walk/run. I do all of my exercise with him offleash because there is just no way he can burn off enough steam just walking on a leash, we generally play fetch for 10-15 minutes, then walk for the next 30ish, then another 10-15 minutes of fetch to close out the play time. This is usually enough to keep him happy for the rest of the day. I A TON of interactive toys, kongs, kong bones, everlasting treat ball, rawhides, etc and make sure they are all stuffed with something yummy. As for the busy bones, I cut them in half and stuff them deep inside the kong, so even getting a busy bone is hard work.  If you stuff the busy bone in a kong and then put peanut butter and freeze it that will make it last even longer. Just go on amazon.com and type in interactive toys and you will have a whole bunch of fun toys you can give him to entertain him while you are gone. Just remember if you are giving a lot of peanut butter/treats to cut back on his food, you don't want a chubby puppy!
I also need help on keeping 4 1/2 mo old pup busy....Read in the discussion about using frozen peanut butter in a kong, what kind?  Does it have to be organic or will plain old Jiffy do?


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