i dont know what is wrong with teddy. he is having really bad diarrhea, hes had it for two days now..i just switched his food, maybe i went to fast? and i gave him yogurt the day before this happned, so could this be it? he has his 1st set of shots, hes drinking/eating fine and playing. i just am scared for my baby. does anyone have advice?

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i just took him out again and it was solid this time so i am happy but the food they had him on makes his poop yellow, since it has corn in it.
Isn't it funny how looking at poo can make dog owners sooo happy? ^_^
It's great that you'll be moving him away from his old food (the one with corn). You sound like such a caring corgi mom!

Whenever one of my dogs gets an upset tummy, we feed him plain boiled chicken and plain steamed rice for a couple of days. It does the trick very well. I had not heard about the pumpkin until I joined this site, and my dogs have had happy tummies all this time (wow, come to think of it, it's been a couple of years!). But I keep a can of pumpkin (plain, not pie mix) handy in my pantry "just in case".

I'm so glad to hear Teddy is feeling better! Yay!
awww thank you! i am too:) lol and thank you for saying im a good corgi mom! it makes me feel good :D lol i am trying to switch him to wellness since its all natural and dosnt have all that icky stuff in it, he loves it but his tummy dont at the moment. when u see your fur baby having good poos its a good sign that they are healthy. im glad that your babys are doing really well, they are so cute!
Thank you! Sidney gets Wellness too, and he has good firm stools. The Wellness rep told me you can interchange flavors of Wellness because the base ingredients are all the same. I think you made an excellent choice! I mix some Wellness canned in with his dry food and he loves it!
Beth is correct about the yogurt but mine just get it as a treat maybe once every week or 2 now! Old Home also has a good plain yogurt without a bunch of extra junk in it!
i will look for that brand:) im am learning along the way with everyone's help. i was giving it to him so he would have calcium so he his cute little ears would stick up lol
When Maxine gets diarrhea because she got into something she's not suppose to have, I take a small amount of ground beef boil it an mix it with with plain white rice. This was a suggestion from my vet. It helps. The ice cubes are a great ideal, Max loves crushed ice and popsicles. With the food, when ever I switch Max's food I try to measure out at least a week's worth of food and gradually add more of the new each day. This takes the guess work out of how much to give each day.
Hope your baby feels better soon
thank you for your help:). i hope he gets better too
Yogurt could give him the runs, but only after that feeding and bm...he could be trying to digest something he ate. one of my corgi is always picking up something he finds and mouths it...I take mine to the vet when something lingers after a couple of days-is always something!!
good luck,
If as you increase the new food he develops diarrhea again, you may want to choose a different food. When we switched Finn from the puppy food the breeder gave him to one of our choice we did it over about a weeks time maybe more and he was fine. When I switched him from puppy food to adult food he developed diarrhea that persisted for over a month and after seeing the vet several times and having tests to check for parasites etc the vet finally said to switch the food and I saw an improvement instantly. I didn't think the food was the problem because it wasn't very different from his puppy food but the vet said because all of his foods were chicken, he could have developed an intolerance to chicken. It's possible for them to have an allergy to pretty much any ingredient in foods and it's not uncommon for a dog to have an intolerance to certain proteins which is why they say it is healthy to switch your dogs food occasionally to one with a different protein to avoid such problems. We've started rotating between 3 different foods and Finn has been fine. He was 8 months old when he had that bout of digestive issues. We tried cooking chicken and rice (which made it worse), adding probiotics, pumpkin, yogurt (these barely helped) and we tried a prescription of Flagyl the vet gave to treat a variety of problems such as Giardia just in case. It's tough when your puppy is sick and you cannot figure out why. Just take the steps to eliminate possible causes but like I said, if it does come back once the food switch has been made, I would question the food.

As far as yogurt, we alternated between plain yogurt and cottage cheese when Finn was little. He loved them both and never had problems with either.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes. :)
thank you:), i am starting to think that his little body isn't ready for wellness and that i switched waaaay to fast. are other dog did amazing but i guess teddy isn't ready. i took him out a wile ago and no diarrhea. im giving him half a cup of his old food and a little table spoon of wellness, since he was sick i didn't want to give him too much food . i will do this for 3 days and then try a table spoon and half a table spoon increasing every three days. so far so good! im glad that everyone took the time to send me advice and gave me some comfort lol thank you all so much!
Wellness is the food that made Finn sick too. We fed Blue Buffalo Chicken Puppy food then switched to Wellness Super5Mix Chicken Adult and that's when the problems started. I think you're doing all the right things. We're all here if you have more questions.


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