So I am getting ready for a trip out of town and my mind totally blanked on giving Monty his heartworm pill yesterday. I just dropped him off for the next four days to spend the weekend with his dad while I am at a wedding. Is it too late to give him the missed pill on Sunday or do I need to call the vet near his daddy and have a dose on stand by for him to pick up to give to him? I can't believe I forgot and now I feel like the worst mommy..

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A few days late won't matter. Have fun at the wedding!
I agree with Bev...and have fun at the wedding...and you're not a bad mommy( we're human and forget)...some people don't even give their dogs this....
A few days is fine, as the pill does kill worms at a few stages of development. Don't worry! My dog's dose varies by a few days each month depending on our schedule. And have a great trip.
Thanks guys are great..i feel a bit relieved and will enjoy the wedding now..of course I am already missing my little guy.


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