Hello all.

I know this isn't a corgi, but I trust you guys all so much, that I'm hoping you can help.

We took in a newfoundland (Duke) for a friend who was getting divorced, and working up to 18 hour days.  Unfortunately, our male Jackson is terrified of him, and nothing we are doing is working.  Duke is a male, 3 years old, and neutered.  He is up to date on all vaccinations and heartworm prevention.  He gets along great with female dogs (and probably male ones too- he's shown no aggression towards Jackson), and does fine with cats.  He will chase them if he gets excited though.  He loves kids and all strangers, and is just a great dog.  Walks great on a leash, and knows all commands.  He's on the littler side at 102#.

HIs only drawback is that he will need to be re-housetrained, as he was kept in a room at his owner's house for up to 18 hours at a time.

We really hate to have to re-home him (I've cried over this...) but Jackson was rescued from a puppy mill, and is just too stressed with Duke here.  It's not fair to him- he deserves to live out the rest of his life stress-free and happy.  Our primary concern is him.  

I would be willing to drive up to 5 hours or more to re-home him, or help in any way I can.  PLEASE, if you know anyone who would give him a good home, contact me.  Thank you!



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I wish I could help, but you're about 16 hours away from me.  :(  I'm so sorry you have to give him up.  Hopefully you can find a great home for him.

You may be able to get Jackson to feel just fine around him and it's worth a try even as you keep looking for a suitable new home for him. How long have you had him?

Duke's been here one week.  We introduced them on neutral territory, and although Jackson didn't really care for him then, (you could tell he was really cautious around him), he wasn't attacking Duke like he is now.  We kept them separated by a gate for a couple of days, and Jackson would just growl.  That proceeded to snarling, growling, and then plain jumping and attacking.  We've tried walking them together, walking past each other on leashes, positive reinforcement, everything.  I then moved Jacks to the living room in a kennel so he could get used to Duke sniffing, etc without feeling threatened.  He has just escalated.  The poor guy just shakes, and gets so out of his head with fear and anger that it just breaks my heart to see him like that.  And now, he is scared of any strange dog we meet--he was never like that before.  I just don't think it's healthy for him or giving him a quality of life.  He's basically stuck to my daughter's room (which is OK, he's usually there with her anyway) but can't come see the rest of us when he wants to.  He's not playing with his toys, and is so petrified when Duke is near it's just not worth it.

He had such a hard life before that I want the rest of his days to be nothing but happiness.  If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.  I just would rather Duke went to a good home sooner than later--it's already hard enough since he's such a great dog, that I hate for everyone to get more attached and then have to give him up.

Obviously the best and easiest  thing is to find Duke a good home but, in the meantime you are dealing with a situation that could be managed differently if you saw it in a different way. Jackson is not attacking Duke out of fear, this is the first thing to realize.  A dog that is fearful retreats, and will only attack if cornered.  This means he is on the offensive and it's probably territorial aggression ( he does not want the other dog in HIS house).  He is not the victim here, if there's a victim at all, it would be Duke.  I would have Duke loose and Jackson leashed to me and come down on him hard if he made the slightest aggressive move.  He would have to understand that it's MY house first and that I don't tolerate unprovoked aggression in my house. I would not be using his puppymill past to condone his present behavior.  That said, all this may, quite legitimately, be more than you want to deal with and certainly more than you bargained for.  Your heart is in the right place.  Good luck.

I love Newfies but just can't handle a large dog due to health issues.   Hope you find him a good spot.  Is there a Newfie rescue in your area?

Did you check for a Newfe rescue or breeder by you? If there is a breeder they may know of a rescue or be able to help. Good luck!

I WISH!!! I've always wanted a Newfie!

If I could I would as tank's main breed is newfoundland...but I can't:( I agree to check with a rescue might be great...there's got to be good people out there wanting one...picture please??????

I'm checking with a former neighbor who lives by Jefferson, IA. She's had Newfies in the past.

That would be awesome!
I did contact the rescue, and they are looking at potential applicants.  I just hope he can get a great home.  He's so sweet it just breaks my heart.


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