Squishables stuffed critters is having a contest to see what their next stuffed critter will be.  It will be a dog, but let's make it a corgi!  Please cast your vote here:  http://www.squishable.com/s/dog_days

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I voted!! Looks like corgis are winning by a landslide so far! And they have one of the least numbers of "thumbs down" too. :] I've seen these around before and always thought they were cute. But if they make a corgi one, then I think I really might get one. Haha.

Squishables are cute!  I had never seen one before.  I voted for the corgi and then I un-voted for some other breeds.  My daughter informed me that that was kinda mean.  Oops!

I unvoted for all of the other breeds haha!

So far, it looks like corgis are definitely going to be the winners.  XD  They have ahuge lead over the other breeds!

We're gonna win!!

I have 2 squishables and it looks like I'll have another soon enough... lol.

Is this a new Waffle picture as the avatar?  Waffle always takes good pictures

Yes!  New picture! :D  It's my favorite picture of him ever.  The old one was just so old--and he was underweight and didn't look very good in it.  So I thought I would replace it. 

My vote is in for: CORGI!!!!! LETS GO CORGIS

Oh mah god... we don't have these in France and I am so very disappointed. The rooster is, in a word, magnificent.

I voted:)

Looks like the corgis received a massive vote-down and have fallen to second place.  :(


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