Ever since Franklin broke his toe 2 1/2 weeks ago I have been really paranoid about splint issues. My worst fear was that the splint would be put on too tight and cut off circulation to his foot. I've heard of dogs losing a foot/leg because of a split too tight. Well yesterday I noticed Franklin wasn't wanting to walk on his foot anymore and he was acting like it was bothering him. We just had this splint put on Friday afternoon and it was supposed to be on for 2 weeks. Well I decided today that its better safe than sorry so I took him to the vet to have the splint taken off and redone. Well they took off the splint and found a swollen foot with necrotic (dead) foot pads that smelled HORRIBLE. The splint was put on way too tight and was cutting off circulation, just like I had feared. Parts of his foot pads are dead and won't come back, but hopefully since the blood circulation has returned some of it will come back again. All of his toes are swollen to twice the normal size and very red/pink. He is incredibly painful and also has open pressure sores. The vet (a different vet than I had been going to before) said that these wounds are so much worse than the broken toe! He is worried about his foot but hopes with the splint off it will heal. He is on strict cage rest now because he has a broken toe that is now unprotected and his foot pads are dead and very painful. We are going to re-xray next week to see how well the break has healed and if we need to re-splint, although I will likely see if there is something else I can do. What is really scary is thinking about what would have happened if I wasn't so paranoid and if I hadn't worked at a vet. If I would have waited the full 14 days for the splint to come off, Franklin would have lost his leg. The damage was so severe already after only 5 days, that by the time 14 days had passed his whole foot would have been dead and they would have had to amputate. I'm sooooooooooo glad I am so in tune with my little guy. I plan on bringing him into the original vet tomorrow just to show them the damage that was done. I just want them to be aware and maybe more careful in the future. The picture attached is of his foot. It already looks better after having the splint off for most of the day.

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I broke the rules big time today.....I took Frank for an off leash walk and let him swim!!! He was so happy and had so much fun. He's barely limping, only when he steps on rocks or things like that. I think I'm going to ignore doctor's orders and just slowly return him to normal exercise. He really needs it and it really doesn't seem to be doing him any harm. Just no fetch or activities like that. I will see if I can re-xray in a couple weeks to see if the break is healed. He still has about half the skin on each pad that needs to peel off but luckily since half is gone, its starting to get a bit tougher and less pink and raw.
I bet he just loved being able to do stuff again!  Good Luck!
So happy to hear Franklin is doing so much better!  He must have been so happy to run around!  Hopefully his break has healed and he will be back to all his usual activities in no time.  :)

well its been a few hours since he ran and played and still no limping so I will probably take him swimming again tomorrow. I'm starting the walk with his foot wrapped in vet wrap and having him do his initial FRAP session with the vet wrap on. Then I take it off and he is usually a little calmer by then. He is soooooo happy! Its great to see his happy smiling face again. Its been almost 5 weeks!!

The exercise should do him good.  Maddie is the calmer of my two Corgis, but when she was spayed (at the age of 4.5), after about a week of limited activity/ light leash walking she was ready to pop her buttons.  We'd take them out to walk and she'd be tug-tug-tugging at the end of her leash with a manic gleam in her eye and her tongue all over the place.  Maddie is a VERY polite leash-walker and that is so not like her.


And that is, as I say, the calmer of my two.

aww look at him smile!:) such a great photo. if u believe what u are doing is right then go for it. glad to hear that he is doing better
Joy to hear he's OK. Thanks for sharing a valuable lesson.


I am glad Franklin is so much better now. Please just keep a very close eye on that little guy, and infection. It can happen so easily. It's just a big dirty world. lol

He looks wonderful! I bet you are so... relieved.

Awww that is so scary and I would have freaked once I saw his paw. I simply freaked when Caesar broke a nail and it was puffy and bleeding bad. I can only imagine the fright you went through. Glad you were in tune with your furr baby and it didn't get worse. Way to go, mom! :) Let us know his progress.
I am so happy that Franklin is on the mend.  I told my mom about your story and she was sick for you too.  I'll let her know that it looks like full recovery.  Your experience has been a valuable lesson for all of us.
We are also very happy to hear that Franklin seems to be making a fantastic recovery!  These little guys are quite hardy, not much keeps them down.  I am sure the weight of the world has been lifted from your shoulders; it can be frustrating because they can not tell you in words where or why it hurts.  Nothing but good thoughts your way!!
Man oh Man we had a scare yesterday!! I brought Franklin to the park (human park) yesterday to do a photo shoot with one of my friends who is a professional photographer trying to break into pet photography. I had Frank off a leash in an area where we were relatively isolated when out of NOWHERE came a dominant border collie mix. It ran at Franklin and bowled him over before anybody knew what was happening! Franklin was trying frantically to get out from under the dog and the yelped really loud (Franklin NEVER yelps). Well next thing I know, we have control of the dog and Franklin is refusing to put weight on his broken foot!! NOOOOOOO! I was so worried he broke it again! I promptly picked him up and took him to an area of pavement (he still periodically limps on grass). Luckily after a few minutes he started bearing weight again and after about 10 minutes he wasn't limping at all anymore. I think he just tweaked the toe a bit, but oh my goodness I was so worried he broke it again! I didn't know what I was going to do! Its crazy how quickly a bad situation can arise without you even realizing it! We got really lucky that he wasn't hurt again!


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