I am going to send out Christmas cards featuring Franklin! Please look at the pictures below and let me know which one is your favorite. None of the above is a valid answer and I'll take more! :-)

Also it anybody knows of a free photo editing program that can edit out the line going through the middle of my backdrop that would be greatly appreciated!

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I like the middle one:)

Me too!

Why pick? They're all nice, mix it up :-)

I like the middle one best, too, but they're all cute.  Anna has a good idea!

My husband uses a free photo-editing program called Gimp.  It works well, if you are familiar with the editing tools. 


I'm impressed he sat with all that stuff on him!  

Gimp, I use it myself and enjoy it..... I'm very novice LOL

I like the 3rd most

I pick 2nd or 3rd... And am also a frequent user of Gimp.

I love, love, LOVE the third pitcha! Franklin is a beautiful boy. Also, I second Gimp haha

Hard to choose... Either the 3rd or 2nd one.

Thanks guys!!

oooh good idea Anna!

Beth, I was pretty surprised too at how easy it was to take the photos! I thought I'd be there for hours trying to get it set up and for him to stay, but its amazing what he will do with the promise of treats!


I like the middle too. Franklin gets first prize for having patience with Mommy too!

I like the bottom photo. How did you get Franklin to stay there all wrapped up in lights and ornaments?


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