Jackson, my almost-two, cardigan, has developed a lust for pine cones, grass clumps, twigs and pine bark. When I toss the ball in the back yard he takes off after the ball, but is more likely to come back with a pine cone.


I am wondering if this stuff is bad for him. If I leave him out in the fenced yard alone, will he eat a belly full of bark and start pooping little seedlings? Sometimes he runs alone nipping at the grass like he is a four-legged lawn mower.


So, is it bad for him, or is it OK in moderation?


I used to give him rawhide chews now and then, but got out of the habit for one reason or another. Would it be good to go back to getting the chews to give him something to gnaw on other than tree parts?




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Mine eat grass like they're part cow! That's the 1st thing they do when they go outside is nibble on grass among "other" things! As for the other my guess is a little won't hurt unless he's eating sharp twigs and swallowing them as that could cause a problem. Not sure on pine cones but I'm sure mine have had a few pieces! Sorry I don't have a definite answer!
Grass = ok wood = not. Mine like grass especially new growth. It makes their poops weird but otherwise does not seem to hurt. Branches, wood chips etc can leave splinters that are a problem so I would discourage that. We had a Golden Retriever that visited the vet a few times for eating wood. Cow bones or good quality rawhides are usually fine but not when you can not watch them to avoid choking.
raw bones not cooked as they splinter. Knuckle bones are great!
Penni is almost six years old and just started chewing on the pine cones. I try to take them away because I am afraid they will hurt her. She has always chewed grass. All the dogs we've owned have done that as well!
Poopdeck eats everything and that worries me. When we are outside he even digs up...I don't know what and eats it before I can get to him. (snails, grubs, cat truds???)
He also loves to tear stuff apart, not just his stuffed toys, I stopped buying those he ate the stuffing. He hsuks coconuts the big green ones are his favorite! His Dad thinks this is not as bad because it's organic and he doesn't seem to ingest the husk.
I thought raw hyde was bad because the could not digest it, and that raw lead to killing.
Frosty is always eating grass and leaves and any yard debri small enough to fit in his mouth. I am always worried that he is going to yak it up in the house, but so far nothing, so from my experience, I'd say ok to grass and such. I would definitely try not to let him eat pine material. Have you tried raking up everything off the ground in the area he will be staying in? Then he would just have grass to eat.
I concur that small amounts of grass are ok. I have one grazer and one who normally doesn't eat grass but loves sticks. Sticks and pine cones and stuff are not so good because they can cause a puncture in the digestive tract, and they can also scratch as they pass through, causing bloody painful stools. Really soft wood like mulch isn't terrible in tiny amounts, but with store-bought mulches I'm always worried about possible chemical treatments, plus fertilizer residue and the like. But both mine really like mulch and will grab a piece for a quick snack if I'm not diligent with them on walks.


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