I've had Corgis my whole life and that's a lot of years. Corgis are working dogs that need meaningful activity and discipline. The time to start training is when your baby Corgi comes home. Corgis are very smart and they will be a step ahead of you, if you let them. DON'T let them. They love to know the rules, work hard and be praised. The earlier you start lovingly training your puppy, the more rewards you will have later with your adult Corgi who listens for your command and happily performs it. A rescue dog needs the same training, but first needs to trust its new family. Knowing that your rescue is experiencing a hard transition will hopefully make you more patient and compassionate. Be loving and earn the trust of your rescue. But whether a puppy or a rescue, train your Corgi well and as early as you can. Every Corgi and owner thrive through combined work and effort.

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Maybe he's a reincarnation of several past corgis that were good but wanted to misbehave:)
@jane - Jack loved your response that Rafa's a reincarnation of several past corgis that wanted to misbehave. He agrees. You are too too cute!
I think that Rafa is a teenager and a good one!! He sounds like my Rafa ( " the son") .Mine does't pee in my bed , but is always arguing and goiiiiiinnngggg when I ask something. Lily now decided that poop is sooo good and ate Jimmy's today!!!! Help!!!
@ Renata - Help is on the way. When we got Rafa, his previous owners ignored and underfed him. The answer to the poop problem is "Nasty Habit" made by Nutri-Vet. It really works. You need to put it in Lily and Jimmy's food. I just add it to Lucy and Rafa's kibble. It's liver flavored, and both of mine (like most corgis!) will eat it out of your hand like a treat.
* LUCY- Really?!?!? Can we find it at pet stores?
Ranata, I think you can find Nasty Habit at any petstore. We got it at PetSmart. Over the years we tried so many products and this is the only one that has worked––like a charm. Let me know what you think. Good luck! Wendy
PS I put it in both Lucy and Rafa's food.
Does it work for cat poop as well? we have this cat box problem! (I have to put the box - it has a lid - behind plants baskets, etc, the poor cat has to go thru a maze to get to the box!) even the crippled one can over turn a cat box to get to kitty crunchies!! YUK
@Carol- good question. I don't know the answer, but it's probably worth a try. Rafa only goes for the cat food! But he loves coyote poop. Yuck. Is there nothing that a corgi won't eat? Hmmm. How can I get the coyotes to eat nasty habit?!
Mine eat deer and coyote poop too. I think that corgis eat everything and anything, and the nastier the better!
what if they eat the cat poop when you on a walk with out you knowing... i swear Carly can smell it from ten ft and i never know ... so how does this nasty habit work?
@ priscilla. You just follow the directions as to the # of Nasty Habit tablets to add to the dog food and it probably makes the poop taste nasty. Over the years I've tried a variety of remedies, and this is the only product that works.
so doctoring her poop makes the cat poop taste funny?


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