For puppy training to future corgi puppy owners?  I sometimes get this question and to be honest, most of my expertise come from experience and I really don't read that much so it's not like I've read a library of dog training books to be able to say this  is good and this one isn't. 

What have you all read and what was good and not so good? 

I ALWAYS recommend puppy kindergarten classes as a starter to dog training and believe hands on classes will always be superior but I can't blame some for wanting to do some reading up before they get their pup.

I will also refer them to MyCorgi for additional network support :-)

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It's not specifically a training book or a Corgi book, but I just read, "The Other End of the Leash" by Patricia McConnell. It was a great read, and I feel like I understand Søren so much better now. I was able to improve his recall immediately by using what she wrote about body language. I also got Søren to play fetch with me for the first time. He actually brought the ball and dropped it.

I recommend it to all dog owners.
I love the book Welsh Corgis: Pembroke and Cardigan: A complete owners manual. Published by BARRON'S It gives you general info on so many areas and I actually print a few pages for them to take home. I also like The Loved Dog by Tamar Geller but if I could only have one it would be the basics of the welsh corgi!
Puppy Kisses Are Good for the Soul (& Other Important Lessons Y... by Howard Weinstein

I read it (per Dewi's breeder's recommendation) before we got either of our puppies. Half the book is a tribute by the author to his beloved pet Corgi, Mail Order Annie, and the other half is a puppy training guide. The book is wonderful.
I really liked 'Pembroke Welsh Corgi:Your Happy Healthy Pet' by Debra Elderege. It has general info on the corgi breed and how to care for corgi puppies and adults. It even comes with a training DVD that is really helpful. The only thing I didn't like was the housebreaking schedule. Other than that it's a great book!
I also loved "The Other End of the Leash". She really knows what she is talking about and understands the herding breed mentality. However, for the more casual dog person "Civilizing Your Puppy" by Barbara Wrede is very basic as well as any of Mordecai Siegal and Matthew Margolis's books.Patricia McConnell and Uncle Matty used to have great shows on Animal Planet before they started airing the more "glitzy" stuff. I am glad you recommend classes because it really helps to talk to a trainer about specific problems and to be around other people with puppies.


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