I just read a comment about something being "greener" and so I would like to offer my thought on this because yes...I admit I am a tree hugger and proud of it!
1. vineger...yes it smells for awhile but it also neutralizes urine, and removes the spot and so I use this on any pee accidents and in the dog wash to get rid of oders...also the slime and deposit on dog dishes can be easily removed by soaking these in 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar for a bit a cup or less total...just swish it with your rag a couple times. Many more uses but this is a couple.
2.Hydrogen peroxide...a disinfectant...i use this on my floors...NOT Carpet...to clean up. It's cheap and I actually use this all over my house...especially sinks! You can look up this a s a cleaner.
3. Baking soda....for wash and floors...takes oders away.
Did you know that awhile ago there was alot of contraversy(sp) on a floor cleaner that killed dogs (kidney failure I believe) as the dogs licked the floors and became sick and died...from what I read the chemicals in it had 1 different than antifreeze...scary to me!!!!!!!!!
You can go online and look up all kinds of cleaners that are safer for our furry friends. My sister in law had her house sprayed for some bug(???) in AZ and both her dogs ended up getting VERY sick...vet said do not do this again!
Just some thoughts...if anyone has some homade cleaners to share...I'd be interested!
Thanks! Jane