So we met with the surgeon again today for Seanna's 6 week check-up.  He said she is doing great!  We are still restricted to no off leash activity/jumping until July 4th, but after that she can do what she wants!  He said at this point it's just a matter of building muscle mass and getting her confidence back-- he said we don't need to do the range of motion anymore either, but the rehab people still want us to do it briefly once a day.  They have us doing simple excersises daily (three leg stands, going in circles, sit to stand, walking through rungs of a ladder, etc..)  We are actually done with the hydrotherapy, but I scheduled two extra ones until we meet with the rehab doctor on the 17th.  She's a trooper about it now--gets in, gets the job done, and gets out.  So--we are in the home stretch!!


BUT--the surgeon said her hair is growing back in "funny, wispy", and isn't growing back as fast as it should be.  He said there is research showing a correlation between hypothyroidism in dogs and cruciate ruptures (which I remember reading).  And that could be why we can't get her weight down no matter what we do.  So we are having blood drawn tomorrow at our regular vet to have her thyroid level checked.  I will keep you updated!  Thanks everyone for all your support!

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So glad she's making such great progress with your help of coarse!
That is great news! Go Sienna!
That's great about the therapy! I hope the thyroid test turns out well. If it's not at the right level they can give medication for her to take to help level it out. I hope her fur grows back nicely after you find out about the thyroid. Hugs
I'm glad she's healing well. I have heard some chatter that some people suspect a lot of Corgis have sub-clinical thyroid issues. Keep us posted!
OMG, Jen - so that is 4 months before she can have no restrictions? Wow. My PT kind of alluded to that the other "with a typical suture ligmanet procedure it's about 4 months before we feel it's strong enough". However, with the procedure Jake had they really don't have any clue because it's so new. That means that end of August for Jake! How the heck am I supposed to get the other leg done, then? My surgeon must be nuts. Walk him this way in CT snow?? Yeah right.

Anyway, I had not heard about hypothyroidism. OMG. That is not good. Keep us posted.

Jake needed to take off some weight and he weighed in at 33.2 from 35 pre-surgery. So, he lost 1.8 pounds in 2 weeks! We cut out giving him too much wet and now just give him a tablespoon of wet (Wellness real chicken only) and then about 1/2 c of dry of Before Grain (B.G) by Merrickat each feeding (2 feedings a day) . This is no endorsement website manager...just saying Jake loves the Salmon so he loves the B.G.. Before that he probably was getting more wet and about 3/4 of a cup of dry at each meal. He's not a big treat person either. PT said to give him berries, baby carrots. I told her the only treats he will go crazy for is REAL grilled chicken or turkey bacon. Other than that..he can really care less.

Seanna so glad you are feeling better, sweetie!
You know, it might be easier to have them done close together--then he won't want to do too much with the one leg when he starts feeling better, because the other leg will be hurting. Seanna thinks she's healed, and it's a bugger to get her to be calm outside. We are at least to the running (not full speed) stage. She gets mad at me though when I don't let her take off after a squirrel or a bird--I get "the look". Didn't they say 8 weeks between the two surgeries? That might be OK...I think Seanna would be OK to get the other one done now if she needed it, she rarely ever limps on it.

The surgeon did say the other day that it takes a good 8 weeks for the leg to lay down scar tissue to hold it in place fairly well, and 12 weeks to be extra safe. The filament will break eventually--usually 1-4 months. The problem is when it breaks sooner than later. I think the tight rope breaks too eventually, and then it's just the scar tissue holding the bones where they should be. That's why the dog still ends up with arthritis--it's nature's fix but not like the original design. The bones still slip a little. The surgery just keeps them from grating together as bad while it heals. Seanna in the two weeks from time of injury to the surgery was beginning to lay down arthritis cells, even with being kept quiet.

I have tried every diet known to the canine world, and can't get Seanna below 27 pounds. The vet wants her at 23 really, but we settled at 25. She won't eat vegetables, we've switched foods, cut out all people food, and she's lost at most a pound. And she's pretty active--I can't imagine if she's hypothyroid what her energy level will be--oh my!! Right now she only gets 1/4 cup twice daily of the Wellness Healthy Weight.....

Keep me updated..I think of you guys often!! Glad things are going well for you! I'll keep my fingers crossed...
Glad to hear things are going well!!
Hey, Jennifer! How's Seanna been? I've been in a conference for work all week and finally back in the office. Just wanted to check in. :)

Oh, and reading some of your posts about Seanna....she is identical to Jake in so many ways. Are we sure they are not siblings. :) HEE HEE. It's probably just all Corgi's are alike.

Ohhh! So glad to hear!! I'm sure you all can't wait for July 4th! :)


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