Strange/Rude Things You Hear While Walking the Corgi(s)?

While out walking the dogs with my boyfriend's sister, the guy on the corner was out on his front lawn, and was clearly drunk. "Out walkin' the puppies, huh?" He slurred at us. We smiled and replied, "Yup." He was like "That sucks." 

... what the... O=

Wasn't expecting that response at all LOL. I just replied with "That's alright, we like to go walking." and walked on as briskly as possible. It may have taken me a few extra seconds to respond, because I was so shocked someone would say that to some people who are clearly out enjoying their walk. Sigh... oh, those drunks... =u.u;=

Anyone else heard any offensive, crazy, or unexpected things while out walking with your dog(s)?

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I have had people pick up my dog (not the Corgi) up by the front legs....what is up with people???  Would you do that to a child???  Geezzz!

I have a AKC purebred corgi............but he is not a perfect show corgi.  His legs are a little long but someone has to love the "show" rejects.  A corgi breeder came up to us and said "is that a Jack Russell"? Now, look at his picture people.  When I replied "are you kidding" she said well his legs are so long.  First of all they are not soooooooooo long and she was just being mean.

:O What a...ya know! She's just pretentious and probably a poor dog owner because all she cares about is their material value.

I've heard the people who have miss marked Corgis get comments all the time. I guess the are in the same class of people who make awkward comments about things like "Ew what happened to your.......!"  Just fill in the blank.  No social filter.


The only comment I've had about Chase being mismarked (only black and white, not tricolored) is someone actually thought he was a Border Collie with dwarfism. LOL It was actually really funny to me.
So far most people I've come into contact with are not familiar with Corgis at all.

That's so RUDE! I can't stand people like that. I would have said "You know he's not a Jack Russell but we now know that you're a JackA**." Excuse my bleeped language. People are SO RUDE!!

Even professionals tell me my dog looks like a short-haired purebred PWC, but I think she may have some Jack Russell in her. That means her legs are three inches long rather than two I guess. I really don't care that much except for any potential health issues I may need to watch for. I did have one person comment about her "docked" tail, but it is actually nonexistent and I am sure she was born sans tail. I do have to deal with one neighbor on our private rural road who is prone to imbibing and is bat-sh*t crazy in my mind. He recently infuriated me by lunging at my dog, shouting BOO!" and calling her a little scaredy-cat. Sully is a rescue pet who has had to deal with a lot prior to being adopted. She is still very sweet and trusting with most people but she is understandably timid. She actually barked at this bozo and was rewarded for doing so. I don't trust the guy with me or my dog. The weather will soon be cold enough to keep the smokers and heavy drinkers inside for the next 6-8 months. Yay!!

I had another one this past weekend! My fiance and I were out walking Rocky on the trail at a park near our house and even though Rocky's 20 months old, we're still working on him heeling on leash. Since Rocky is a tugger, we made him walk behind us and I was carrying a treat in my hand so that he would be enticed to follow behind us instead of running ahead of us. This old lady that we came across asked us why we're not letting our dog run OFF LEASH ahead of us (even though, I kid you not), we were standing right by a sign that says "Please leash your dog". I just smiled at said that we were trying to teach him to heel and her response was, "well, that's just mean".


She probably wouldn't have been happy if she encountered an off leash dog that trampled her either!

We also get shushed by this craaaaaazy lady in the dog park because Elli herds and barks while she does it. Unfortunately Elli has accepted her as her "people" (this woman was good friends with our first dog walker) so she always runs up and greets her. This is also the same woman who got nasty with me when Elli told her ill-behaved poodle to back off when the dog tried to hump her repeatedly. I simply said "Perhaps you should pay more attention to what your dog is doing rather than scolding Elli for barking. In the dog park." She is a crazy person and we generally avoid her.

We get a lot of  "What's his name?" despite Elli's sparkle collar (every girl needs a necklace with her name blinged out on it) and her pink and brown leash.

We get asked how much we paid for her rather frequently. My response? "How much is your rent?" Usually they are a bit flummoxed and I follow-up with "That's not an appropriate question either, now is it."

I have been asked how much I paid to adopt my dog, how much my rent is, how much money I make, you name it. I never answer. I usually say "Not much." I just think it is rude, but I am also very confused about why the questions are asked. I can't think of any reason why someone would want that information. I myself have been curious about what a Corgi would cost to purchase from a breeder, but that is what Google is for, correct?


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