I was given a thundershirt for my dog, Carly, i wondered if any one has heard of this or used one to calm a anxious corgi down?

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There was a discussion on here about this...don't know if it works! Can't wait to hear how it goes:)
I've heard very good things about it but I haven't tried one myself.
My friend suggested this and i actually saw her calm down after i put it on her , the package suggested to just fit her with it and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes.. I did and she was respective, so next time ill use it when the moment arrives that i fell she gets to nervous..  i cant use it when we walk , its to hot , but ill try other areas in doors.
I have heard of them and it sounded interesting. Corky is not at all bothered by storms but get this, my husbands gun dog is terrified. I was thinking of getting one for her. She leaps between us in bed and tries to get under the covers and pants and shakes its awful. Corky just looks at her and lays back down!
i've got one corgi that is very thunder phobic and also wondered how the shirt might work...pleasse let us know
My friend has one for her Greyhound and it really seems to help her a lot.

I can't remember where I heard of Thundershirt, but after the fourth of July........I wanted to do something for Poopdeck.  I purchased him a shirt and was excited to try it out.  He usually gets weary when the rain starts so I up it on right away.  He was still aware and looking around but was not worried at all.  I was amazed!!   I recommend this to everyone.


I actually have real experience with this! Last week we received the TS we ordered for our mix-breed, Amy. She is EXTREMELY afraid of thunder and fireworks. After opening the shirt we put it on her right away and it was almost as if we gave her a tranquilizer. She immediately swayed and then laid down. We took it off after just a few minutes as suggested. The next day, we had a pop up thunderstorm and put the TS on. It worked great for her! She still hides under the desk but she doesn't shake like we are used to seeing. I looked on the Thunder Shirt FB page and there were plenty of comments about it not working but I am glad we tried it. PS-If you have a larger corgi (30+lbs) I might get a large rather than the medium. We tried it on Twinkie and there was a lot of bootie sticking out!
Carly actually doesnt need it for thunderstorms , heck we havent had rain here in months and months, but she not afraid of them  anyway....she has anxiety in general. Today i probably shoud have put it on her when my sister and her grand kids came over , who she knows but doesnt see often. She barked at the kids but then  she wanted love because frankie was getting petted so she layed down and let the little girl pet her tummy then got up and barked in fear again and peed all over the floor..So  after a little while i put her up in her crate because she kept attacking frankie for no reason at all..  weird behavior... they say this shirt can help with that stuff to. i guess i wont know unless i use it..
The website said that it guarantees it 100%. I also want to let you know that I found a coupon code on a google search for free shipping. I hope it works for Carly!
Yes, that's what I did, and I did not pay shipping. 100% guarantee, how can you go wrong?


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